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TdxSpreadSheetCustomFormulaList Class

An ordered list for managing parsed formula expressions.


TdxSpreadSheetCustomFormulaList = class(


This class provides the following members that allow you to:

  • Create the formula expression list at runtime (Create.

  • Populate the current list with formula expressions from the specified list (Assign).

  • Add a new formula expression to the list (Add and Insert).

  • Identify if the list is empty (Empty).

  • Swap two formula positions within the list (Exchange).

  • Move a formula expression to a specific position (Move).

  • Obtain the list’s capacity and the number of stored formula expressions (Capacity and Count).

  • Access a specific formula expression (First, Items, and Last).

  • Sort formula expressions by a specific criteria (Sort).

  • Remove formula expressions from the list (Delete, DeleteRange, and TdxFastList_Clear).

  • Increase the list’s capacity or shrink it to the number of stored formula expressions (Expand and Pack).

The formula controller’s ArrayFormulas property references a TdxSpreadSheetCustomFormulaList object.


See Also