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Create(TdxSpreadSheetCustomConditionalFormatting) Constructor

Creates a new “Three Color Scale“ rule in the specified conditional formatting controller.


constructor Create(AOwner: TdxSpreadSheetCustomConditionalFormatting); override;


Name Type Description
AOwner TdxSpreadSheetCustomConditionalFormatting

A conditional formatting controller.


Call this constructor to create a “Three Color Scale” rule with the default settings within a conditional formatting controller passed as the AOwner parameter. Alternatively, you can call either of the controller’s overloaded Add procedures passing a reference to the TdxSpreadSheetConditionalFormattingRuleThreeColorScale class as the ARuleClass parameter.

This constructor creates three color scale thresholds and calls the inherited constructor to create an empty list of the cells affected by the rule. The Create constructor sets the colors of thresholds corresponding to the minimum, intermediate, and maximum cell values within the affected area(s) to the DefaultMinValueColor, DefaultMiddleValueColor, and DefaultMaxValueColor writable typed constant values, respectively.

To delete a “Three Color Scale” conditional formatting rule, pass it as the ARule parameter of the conditional formatting controller’s Remove procedure.

See Also