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TdxCustomSmartImage Methods

The base class for all classes that implement DevExpress image containers.
Name Description
Assign(TPersistent) Populates the image container with an image from the specified source.
AssignFromGraphic(TGraphic) protected Populates the Smart Image container with the image stored in the specified image container.
AssignFromSmartImage(TdxCustomSmartImage) protected Populates the image container with an image stored in another image container.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
CanLoadFromStream(TStream) Inherited from TGraphic.
ChangeColor(TColor) Assigns the specified color to all pixels of the stored image.
Clear Releases resources and a handle associated with the stored image.
Clone Creates a copy of the Smart Image container.
Compare(TdxCustomSmartImage) Compares two Smart Image containers.
ConvertToBitmap Rasterizes the stored vector image.
CopyToClipboard Copies the stored image to the clipboard.
CutToClipboard Moves the stored image to the clipboard.
DisableScaledDrawer Inherited from TGraphic.
Dormant Releases the handle associated with the stored image data.
EnableScaledDrawer(TScaledGraphicDrawerClass,Boolean) Inherited from TGraphic.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetAsBitmap Returns the stored image in a bitmap container.
GetBitmapBits Returns the stored image as an array of pixel color data.
GetHashCode Calculates the hash code from the stored image pixel data.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
HandleNeeded Creates a handle for the suspended Smart Image object.
HasClipboardFormat Identifies if at least one clipboard image format is supported.
IsSupportClipboardFormat(Word) Identifies if the specified clipboard image format is supported.
LoadFromBits(Integer,Integer,TRGBColors,TAlphaFormat) Loads the stored image from the specified array of pixel colors.
LoadFromClipboardFormat(Word,THandle,HPALETTE) Loads an image from the clipboard.
LoadFromFieldValue(Variant) Loads an image from the specified Variant value stored in a BLOB dataset field.
LoadFromFile(String) Inherited from TGraphic.
LoadFromResource(THandle,string,PChar) Loads an image from the specified resource.
LoadFromStream(TStream) Loads an image from the specified stream.
PasteFromClipboard Set the image within the clipboard as the stored image.
QueryInterface(TGUID,Untyped) Provides access to the implementation of a specified interface if the Smart Image container supports it.
Resize(Integer,Integer) Resizes the stored image according to the new specified dimensions, in pixels.
Resize(TSize) Resizes the stored image according to the new specified dimensions, in pixels.
SaveToClipboardFormat(Word,THandle,HPALETTE) Inherited from TGraphic.
SaveToFile(String) Inherited from TGraphic.
SaveToFile(string) Saves the stored image to a file.
SaveToStream(TStream) Saves the stored image within the specified stream.
SaveToStreamByCodec(TStream,TdxImageDataFormat) Saves the stored image to a stream in the required format.
SaveToStreamByCodec(TStream,TdxSmartImageCodecClass) Saves the stored image to a stream in a specified format.
Scale(Integer,Integer) Resizes the stored image while keeping its aspect ratio.
SetBitmap(TBitmap) Store the specified bitmap within the Smart Image object.
SetSize(Integer,Integer) Inherited from TGraphic.
StartAnimation Initiates or resumes the animation of the stored GIF image.
StopAnimation Stops the animation of the stored GIF image.
StretchDraw(HDC,TRect,Byte,IdxColorPalette) Paints the stored image within the destination rectangle of the specified device context.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
UpdateScaledDrawer Inherited from TGraphic.
See Also