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TdxCustomSmartImage.Resize(Integer,Integer) Method

Resizes the stored image according to the new specified dimensions, in pixels.


procedure Resize(const AWidth: Integer; const AHeight: Integer); overload; virtual;


Name Type Description
AWidth Integer

The new image width, in pixels.

AHeight Integer

The new image height, in pixels.


Call the Resize procedure to upscale or downscale the stored image to any specified dimensions. If you wish to resize the image while keeping its aspect ratio, call the Scale procedure instead.


If the stored image is in any supported raster format, the Resize procedure converts the image into the BMP format and discards the original image metadata. You can use the ImageCodec property to convert the stored image to the original format.

You can scale SVG images without changing their format.

Code Example: Load and Resize an Image

The following code snippet sets the dimensions of the stored image to 640 by 480 pixels:

  AImage: TdxSmartImage;
  dxOpenPictureDialog1: TdxOpenPictureDialog;
  if(dxOpenPictureDialog1.FileName = '') then Exit;
  AImage := TdxSmartImage.Create;
  AImage.Resize(640, 480);
See Also