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TdxNavBarViewInfo.GetViewInfoAtDragPosition(TPoint,TdxNavBarGroupViewInfo,TdxNavBarLinkViewInfo,TdxNavBarLinkViewInfo) Method

Returns the index the dragged link will have if it is dropped.


function GetViewInfoAtDragPosition(const pt: TPoint; var ItemGroup: TdxNavBarGroupViewInfo; var Item1: TdxNavBarLinkViewInfo; var Item2: TdxNavBarLinkViewInfo): Integer; virtual;


Name Type
pt TPoint
ItemGroup TdxNavBarGroupViewInfo
Item1 TdxNavBarLinkViewInfo
Item2 TdxNavBarLinkViewInfo




This function is used internally to handle drag & drop operations. The pt parameter specifies point at which the link is currently located. The function returns the index that link will have if it is dropped. This function also initializes the ItemGroup parameter with the target group. The Item1 and Item2 objects are initialized with ViewInfo information for links that will be located before and after the dropped one.

If the link located at the specified point cannot be dropped, the function returns -1.

See Also