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TdxNavBarViewInfo.BgAlphaBlend2 Method

Returns the ending alpha blending component of the control’s background color.


function BgAlphaBlend2: Byte; virtual;




Call this function to obtain the ending alpha blending value of the control’s background color. This value is specified by the control’s background style. The style is set via the OptionsStyle.DefaultStyles.Background default style. These settings, in turn, can be overridden by assigning a custom style to the OptionsStyle.CustomStyles.Background property of the NavBar control. The BgAlphaBlend2 function returns the AlphaBlending2 property value of the style assigned.

The BgAlphaBlend2 function can be used when handling the OnCustomDraw.Background event. It is useful if you don’t want to use custom alpha components of colors.

See Also