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TdxGPBrush Members

An advanced brush used to paint on a drawing surface (also called a canvas).


Name Description
Color Specifies the solid color of the brush.
GradientMode Specifies the direction of the gradient line in the area painted by the brush.
GradientPoints Provides access to the gradient line for the brush gradient painting mode.
Handle Inherited from TdxGPCustomGraphicObject.
HandleAllocated Inherited from TdxGPCustomGraphicObject.
IsEmpty Indicates if the brush is visible. Inherited from TdxGPCustomBrush.
Style Specifies the brush painting mode.
Texture Specifies an image used as texture to fill the brush.
TextureTransform Provides access to transformations applied to the brush’s texture.
UseTargetRectCorrection Inherited from TdxGPCustomBrush.


Name Description
OnChange Inherited from TdxGPCustomGraphicObject.
See Also