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TdxCustomDockControl.OnStartDocking Event

Fires when a docking operation starts.


property OnStartDocking: TdxStartDockingEvent read; write;


End-users can perform docking operations by pressing the dock control’s caption with the mouse and dragging it. Once the dragging operation starts, the OnStartDocking event fires. Handle it if you need to perform actions each time the end-user starts to dock a control. If the actions performed require any cleanup, handle the OnEndDocking event.

The OnStartDocking event can be used, for instance, to store settings of control residing in panels. This is useful, since controls may lose their settings when the underlying window is recreated, which takes place when performing docking operations. The OnEndDocking event should be handled then to restore those saved settings.

The Sender parameter identifies the control being dragged. The X and Y parameters identify the current screen coordinates of the mouse pointer.


the OnStartDocking event is not raised if docking the control is via code.

See Also