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TdxCustomDockControl Events

Serves as the base for classes representing dock sites and dock panels.
Name Description
OnActivate Fires when a dock control is activated or deactivated.
OnAlignInsertBefore Inherited from TWinControl.
OnAlignPosition Inherited from TWinControl.
OnAutoHideChanged Fires when the dock control’s auto hide feature is enabled or disabled.
OnAutoHideChanging Fires before the auto hide feature is enabled or disabled.
OnCanDocking Enables you to control whether or not the dragged dock control can be docked to the current control.
OnCanResize Enables you to restrict control resizing to particular positions.
OnClick Inherited from TControl.
OnClose Fires when the dock control is closed.
OnCloseQuery Enables you to override the control’s behavior when it is being closed.
OnConstrainedResize Inherited from TControl.
OnContextPopup Inherited from TControl.
OnCreateFloatSite Fires in response to float site creation.
OnCreateLayoutSite Fires in response to layout site creation.
OnCreateSideContainer Fires in response to side container creation.
OnCreateTabContainer Fires in response to tab container creation.
OnCustomDrawDockingSelection Enables you to custom paint docking selections.
OnCustomDrawResizingSelection Enables you to custom paint resizing bars.
OnDblClick Inherited from TControl.
OnDock Fires immediately after a dock control has been docked to a site.
OnDockDrop Inherited from TWinControl.
OnDocking Enables you to control whether the dragged dock control can be docked to the current target.
OnDockOver Inherited from TWinControl.
OnDragDrop Inherited from TControl.
OnDragOver Inherited from TControl.
OnEndDock Inherited from TControl.
OnEndDocking Fires immediately after a dragging operation on a dock control has been finished.
OnEndDrag Inherited from TControl.
OnEndResizing Fires immediately after a resizing operation has been finished.
OnEnter Inherited from TWinControl.
OnExit Inherited from TWinControl.
OnGesture Inherited from TControl.
OnGetAutoHidePosition Enables you to specify the container edge where the dock control is hidden when its auto hide feature is enabled.
OnGetSiteInfo Inherited from TWinControl.
OnKeyDown Inherited from TWinControl.
OnKeyPress Inherited from TWinControl.
OnKeyUp Inherited from TWinControl.
OnLayoutChanged Fires each time the control’s docking layout is changed.
OnMakeFloating Fires immediately after a dock control is made to float.
OnMouseActivate Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseDown Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseEnter Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseLeave Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseMove Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseUp Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseWheel Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseWheelDown Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseWheelUp Inherited from TControl.
OnParentChanged Fires immediately after the control’s parent has been changed.
OnParentChanging Fires before the parent of the dock control is changed.
OnResize Inherited from TControl.
OnResizing Fires repeatedly when resizing the dock control.
OnRestoreDockPosition Specify where the dock control is docked when its header is double-clicked.
OnStartDock Inherited from TControl.
OnStartDocking Fires when a docking operation starts.
OnStartDrag Inherited from TControl.
OnStartResizing Fires when the resizing operation starts.
OnStoreDockPosition Enables you to store a custom docking position when undocking the control.
OnUnDock Fires immediately after the dock control has been undocked.
OnUpdateDockZones Enables you to provide custom dock zones for the dock control.
OnUpdateResizeZones Enables you to provide custom resize zones for the dock control.
OnVisibleChanged Fires immediately after the dock control’s visibility has been changed.
OnVisibleChanging Fires before the visibility of the dock control is changed.
See Also