TdxCustomDockControlProperties Class
Serves as the base for classes providing default settings for dynamically created dock controls.
TdxCustomDockControlProperties = class(
The docking manager (TdxDockingManager component) provides a set of properties that define the default settings for dynamically created dock controls. These are the DefaultFloatSiteProperties, DefaultHorizContainerSiteProperties, DefaultLayoutSiteProperties, DefaultTabContainerSiteProperties and DefaultVertContainerSiteProperties. They provide default property values for float sites, horizontal side containers, layout sites, tab containers and vertical side containers respectively. Note that all these controls have much in common and are derived from the TdxCustomDockControl class. Thus, an object serves as the base for objects providing default settings. This common ancestor is the TdxCustomDockControlProperties object.
TdxCustomDockControlProperties descendants include TdxFloatDockSiteProperties, TdxLayoutDockSiteProperties, TdxTabContainerDockSiteProperties, and TdxSideContainerDockSiteProperties.