TdxDockingController Class
A docking controller.
TdxDockingController = class(
The docking controller provides access to all dock controls and docking managers in the application. The controller contains information about the current dock or resize operation and allows you to save and restore the layout of dock controls.
The docking controller is a bridge between dock controls and docking managers. A dock control relies on the docking controller when it needs to obtain settings or raise events of a dock manager. The docking controller dispatches a task to the target dock manager.
Refer to the following topic for detailed information: Docking Controller and Docking Managers.
The class members allow you to do the following:
Count dock controls and docking managers in the application (DockControlCount and DockManagerCount).
Access dock controls and docking managers (DockControls and DockManagers).
Specify the active dock control (ActiveDockControl).
Identify if a user docks or resizes a dock control (IsDocking and IsResizing).
Obtain the dock control that a user docks or resizes right now (DockingDockControl and ResizingDockControl).
Locate dock controls by their coordinates (GetDockControlAtPos, GetFloatDockSiteAtPos, and GetNearestDockSiteAtPos).
Save and load the layout of dock controls (SaveLayoutToIniFile, SaveLayoutToRegistry, SaveLayoutToStream, LoadLayoutFromIniFile, LoadLayoutFromRegistry, and LoadLayoutFromStream).
Manage layout updates (BeginUpdate and EndUpdate).
Access the image list that dock controls on a form use (Images).
Specify the brush that dock controls use to draw dock and resize selections (SelectionBrush).
Get dock and resize settings (DockStyle, DockZonesWidth, ResizeStyle, and ResizeZonesWidth).
Obtain the default settings for different dock controls (DefaultFloatSiteProperties, DefaultHorizContainerSiteProperties, DefaultLayoutSiteProperties, DefaultTabContainerSiteProperties, and DefaultVertContainerSiteProperties).
Identify the appearance and behavior of a form’s dock controls (AutoHideInterval, AutoHideMovingInterval, AutoHideMovingSize, AutoShowInterval, Color, GetFont, Options, SelectionFrameWidth, and TabsScrollInterval).
An application has only one TdxDockingController class instance. You can call the dxDockingController global function to access the docking controller.