TdxCustomDockControl.OnResizing Event
Fires repeatedly when resizing the dock control.
property OnResizing: TdxResizingEvent read; write;
Handle the OnResizing event if you need to perform actions during the dock control resizing process. The event fires each time the width or height of the control is potentially changed. Note that if you need to restrict resizing the control to specific dimensions, the OnCanResize event should be handled. It has an additional parameter specifying whether resizing is allowed.
The Sender parameter of the event specifies the dock control being resized. The Zone parameter identifies the resize zone where the resizing process has been initiated. You can use the Direction property of this zone object to determine whether the dock control is being resized vertically or horizontally. The Rectangle property can be used to obtain the initial zone position. The X and Y parameters specify the current screen coordinates of the mouse pointer. To obtain the control’s client coordinates, use the ScreenToClient method.