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TcxTreeListHitTest Members

Contains HitTest information about the tree list elements located at a specified test point.


Name Description
Create(TcxCustomControlController) Initializes a new instance of the TcxCustomHitTestController class with specified settings. Inherited from TcxCustomHitTestController.


Name Description
Cursor Returns the cursor to be shown for the test point.
EditCellViewInfo Inherited from TcxCustomHitTestController.
HitAtBackground Checks whether the test point belongs to the tree list background.
HitAtBand Indicates whether the test point belongs to a band’s content.
HitAtBandContainer Indicates whether the test point belongs to the column header panel.
HitAtBandCustomizing Indicates whether the test point belongs to the Quick Band Customization button.
HitAtBandHeader Indicates whether the test point belongs to a TreeList band header.
HitAtButton Indicates whether the test point belongs to the TreeList node expand button.
HitAtCheckButton Indicates whether the test point belongs to the node check box (radio button).
HitAtColumn Indicates whether the test point belongs to the TreeList column.
HitAtColumnCustomizing Indicates whether the test point belongs to the Quick Column Customization button.
HitAtColumnHeader Indicates whether the test point belongs to a TreeList column header.
HitAtColumnHeaderFilterButton Indicates whether the test point belongs to a TreeList column header‘s filter button.
HitAtFilterBox Indicates if the test point belongs to the built-in control’s filter panel. Inherited from TcxCustomHitTestController.
HitAtFindPanel Indicates if the test point belongs to the built-in Find Panel. Inherited from TcxCustomHitTestController.
HitAtFooter Indicates whether the test point belongs to the TreeList footer.
HitAtFooterItem Indicates whether the test point belongs to a TreeList footer item.
HitAtGroupFooter Indicates whether the test point belongs to the group footer.
HitAtGroupFooterItem Indicates whether the test point belongs to the group footer cell.
HitAtImage Indicates whether the test point belongs to a TreeList node image.
HitAtImages Indicates whether the test point belongs to a TreeList node images area (state image or node image).
HitAtIndent Indicates whether the test point belongs to a TreeList node indent.
HitAtIndicator Indicates whether the test point belongs to the TreeList indicator.
HitAtNavigator Indicates if the test point belongs to the embedded navigator. Inherited from TcxCustomHitTestController.
HitAtNode Indicates whether the test point belongs to a TreeList node.
HitAtNodePreview Indicates whether the test point belongs to a TreeList node preview section.
HitAtSeparator Indicates whether the test point belongs to a TreeList fixed band separator.
HitAtSizingHorz Indicates whether the test point belongs to a TreeList column or a band’s horizontal sizing edge.
HitAtSizingVert Indicates whether the test point belongs to a TreeList column or a band’s vertical sizing edge.
HitAtStateImage Indicates whether the test point belongs to a TreeList node’s state image.
HitBand Provides access to the TreeList band that corresponds to the test point.
HitCode Determines if the test point belongs to a specified editing control element. Inherited from TcxCustomHitTestController.
HitColumn Provides access to the TreeList column that contains the test point.
HitNode Provides access to the node that contains the test point.
HitPoint Specifies the test point within an editing control. Inherited from TcxCustomHitTestController.
HitState Determines the control element to which the test point belongs. Inherited from TcxCustomHitTestController.
HitTestItem Specifies the editing control element to which the test point belongs. Inherited from TcxCustomHitTestController.
HitX Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the point within an editing control. Inherited from TcxCustomHitTestController.
HitY Specifies the vertical coordinate of the point within an editing control. Inherited from TcxCustomHitTestController.
IsItemEditCell Inherited from TcxCustomHitTestController.
TreeList Provides access to the TreeList control that contains the test point.


Name Description
CanMoving Returns whether a tree list element to which a test point belongs can be dragged.
CanSizing Returns whether a tree list element to which a test point belongs can be resized.
CheckDestroyingItem(TObject) Inherited from TcxCustomHitTestController.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
ReCalculate Inherited from TcxCustomHitTestController.
ReCalculate(TPoint) Updates the control’s HitTest information. Inherited from TcxCustomHitTestController.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also