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TcxTreeListGetEditPropertiesEvent Type

The procedural type for in-place editor setting retrieval events in a Tree List control.


TcxTreeListGetEditPropertiesEvent = procedure(Sender: TcxTreeListColumn; ANode: TcxTreeListNode; var EditProperties: TcxCustomEditProperties) of object;


Name Type Description
Sender TcxTreeListColumn

Provides access to the tree list column that raised the current editor setting retrieval event.

The Sender parameter value can be a TcxTreeListColumn or TcxDBTreeListColumn class instance depending on the actual tree list column type. In the latter case, you need to cast Sender to the TcxDBTreeListColumn class to access all available public API members.


To identify the actual tree list column type, call the Sender.ClassName function.

ANode TcxTreeListNode

Provides access to the currently processed tree list node.

For example, you can use ANode.Index and ANode.Level properties to identify the node.

EditProperties TcxCustomEditProperties

Specifies in-place editor settings for the currently processed data cell in the column and node accessible through Sender and ANode parameters, respectively.

You can use the EditProperties parameter to identify the active in-place editor and its settings. To access all public API members of the active in-place editor settings instance, cast the EditProperties parameter to the corresponding editor settings class.

To identify the actual editor settings class, call the EditProperties.ClassName function.


Do not change individual in-place editor settings accessible through the EditProperties parameter to avoid possible drawing errors and access violations. To change the active in-place editor or its settings in a safe manner, assign the Properties property value of a preconfigured edit repository item to the EditProperties parameter instead.


Editor setting retrieval events occur when a Tree List control is about to determine the required editor for a data cell. You can handle these events to change in-place editors in columns based on custom conditions.

TcxTreeListGetEditPropertiesEvent Type References

OnGetEditProperties and OnGetEditingProperties events of a tree list column reference the TcxTreeListGetEditPropertiesEvent procedural type.

See Also