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TcxTreeListGetContentStyleEvent Type

The procedural type for content style retrieval events in Tree List controls.


TcxTreeListGetContentStyleEvent = procedure(Sender: TcxCustomTreeList; AColumn: TcxTreeListColumn; ANode: TcxTreeListNode; var AStyle: TcxStyle) of object;


Name Type Description
Sender TcxCustomTreeList

Provides access to the Tree List control that raised the current content style retrieval event.

To access all public API members of a Tree List control, cast the Sender parameter value to one of the following classes depending on the actual Tree List control type:

A control that displays data in a tree-like manner.
A data-aware version of the TreeList control.
A TreeList control used in provider mode.


To identify the sender Tree List control type, call the Sender.ClassType function.

AColumn TcxTreeListColumn

Provides access to the column to which the target node belongs. You can use the ANode parameter to identify and access the target node.

The AColumn parameter value can be a TcxTreeListColumn or TcxDBTreeListColumn class instance depending on the actual tree list column type. In the latter case, you need to cast AColumn to the TcxDBTreeListColumn class to access all public API members.


To identify the actual tree list column type, call the AColumn.ClassType function.

ANode TcxTreeListNode

Provides access to the target node.

AStyle TcxStyle

Specifies an existing TcxStyle object for the target node accessible through the ANode parameter.


The initial AStyle parameter value is nil (in Delphi) or nullptr (in C++Builder). To apply a style to the target node, assign an existing preconfigured TcxStyle object to the AStyle parameter. Do not create or destroy TcxStyle class instances within event handlers.


Content style retrieval events occur when a Tree List control is about to determine the required style for a data cell.

TcxTreeListGetContentStyleEvent Type References

The following events reference the TcxTreeListGetContentStyleEvent procedural type:

Allows you to apply different styles to individual hot-tracked nodes.
Allows you to apply different styles to data cells.
See Also