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TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.GetEvents(TcxSchedulerFilteredEventList,TDateTime,TDateTime,Variant) Method

Clears the specified event list and populates it with events retrieved from the persistence manager’s resources.


function GetEvents(AList: TcxSchedulerFilteredEventList; const AStart: TDateTime; const AFinish: TDateTime; const AResourceID: Variant): Boolean; overload; virtual;


Name Type
AList TcxSchedulerFilteredEventList
AStart TDateTime
AFinish TDateTime
AResourceID Variant




Call this function to obtain events within the time range between the AStart and AFinish parameter values. The GetEvents function returns True if it successfully appends at least a single event to the list passed as the AList parameter; otherwise – False.

The first overloaded function variant attempts to obtain events from all resources that the persistence manager has. The second GetEvents function variant allows you to retrieve events from a single resource whose unique identifier is passed as the AResourceID parameter. If you pass varNull as the parameter, the second overloaded function variant works identically to the first.

See Also