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TcxSchedulerDateNavigator Members

Implements the Date Navigator pane where the month(s) view is exposed.


Name Description
Create(TcxCustomScheduler) Initializes a new instance of the TcxSchedulerSubControl class with specified settings. Inherited from TcxSchedulerSubControl.


Name Description
ActualFirstWeekOfYear Gets the flag that denotes which week is treated as the first week of a year.
Bounds Specifies the TcxSchedulerSubControl‘s bounding rectangle. Inherited from TcxSchedulerSubControl.
ColCount Specifies the number of months that appear in a row in the Date Navigator pane.
Date Specifies the selected date or the first date in the range of selected dates.
FirstDate Specifies the first day of the month(s) to be displayed in the Date Navigator pane.
FirstWeekOfYear Specifies which week should be considered to be the beginning of a year.
Height Specifies the height of the TcxSchedulerSubControl ‘s rectangle. Inherited from TcxSchedulerSubControl.
HitTest References a HitTest class instance that contains information about the Date Navigator‘s element to which the test point belongs.
HolidayColor Specifies a color used to paint holiday dates in the Date Navigator.
LastDate Gets the last day of the month(s) displayed in the Date Navigator pane.
RealFirstDate Gets the first date displayed in the Date Navigator pane.
RealLastDate Gets the last date displayed in the Date Navigator pane.
RowCount Specifies the number of months that appear in a column in the Date Navigator pane.
Scheduler protected Represents the scheduler control that acts as a container for the current component. Inherited from TcxSchedulerSubControl.
SelectionIsWeeks Specifies whether more than one week is selected in the Date Navigator.
SelectionList Represents a collection of dates to be displayed in the scheduling area.
SelectPeriod Specifies whether an end-user can select more than one date at a time in the Date Navigator.
ShowDatesContainingEventsInBold Specifies whether days containing user events are shown in bold in the Date Navigator.
ShowDatesContainingHolidaysInColor Specifies whether holiday dates are to be highlighted in the Date Navigator.
ShowWeekNumbers Specifies whether week numbers in the Date Navigator are shown.
StartOfWeek protected Inherited from TcxSchedulerSubControl.
Styles Represents the style settings for the Date Navigator.
Width Specifies the width of the TcxSchedulerSubControl ‘s rectangle. Inherited from TcxSchedulerSubControl.


Name Description
Assign(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
BeginUpdate Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomDateNavigator.
CancelUpdates Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomDateNavigator.
EndUpdate Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomDateNavigator.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
Invalidate Indicates that the current TcxSchedulerSubControl component needs to be repainted. Inherited from TcxSchedulerSubControl.
InvalidateRect(TRect) Indicates the ARect rectangle needs to be repainted. Inherited from TcxSchedulerSubControl.
LayoutChanged Invalidates the current TcxSchedulerSubControl component to mirror any changes made to its layout. Inherited from TcxSchedulerSubControl.
QueryInterface(TGUID,Untyped) Inherited from TInterfacedPersistent.
Refresh Forces the scheduler control to repaint itself. Inherited from TcxSchedulerSubControl.
Repaint Inherited from TcxSchedulerSubControl.
RepaintRect(TRect) Inherited from TcxSchedulerSubControl.
ScreenToClient(TPoint) Inherited from TcxSchedulerSubControl.
SetBounds(Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer) Sets all the attributes of the current TcxSchedulerSubControl component’s bounding at once. Inherited from TcxSchedulerSubControl.
SetIntegralSizes Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomDateNavigator.
ToString Inherited from TObject.


Name Description
OnCustomDrawBackground Fires before the Date Navigator‘s background is drawn.
OnCustomDrawContent Occurs before the Date Navigator month(s)’ calendar(s) is drawn.
OnCustomDrawDayCaption Occurs before each caption of a day in the Date Navigator is drawn.
OnCustomDrawDayNumber Occurs before a day in the Date Navigator is drawn.
OnCustomDrawHeader Occurs before the Date Navigator‘s month(s) header(s) is drawn.
OnPeriodChanged Fires before a different month(s) is shown in the Date Navigator.
OnSelectionChanged Fires when a different date(s) is selected in the Date Navigator.
See Also