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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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TcxSchedulerDateNavigator.OnCustomDrawDayNumber Event

In This Article

Occurs before a day in the Date Navigator is drawn.


property OnCustomDrawDayNumber: TcxSchedulerDateNavigatorCustomDrawDayNumberEvent read; write;


Handle the OnCustomDrawDayNumber event handler to custom paint the dates in the Date Navigator.

The Sender parameter specifies the Date Navigator component.

The ACanvas parameter specifies the drawing surface.

The AViewInfo parameter returns ViewInfo information required to render the processed date cell.

The ADone parameter specifies if built-in draw routines are executed. Set ADone to True to prevent default painting.


if the Transparent property of the proprietary AViewInfo object is set to True within an OnCustomDrawContent event handler, OnCustomDrawDayCaption and OnCustomDrawDayNumber event handlers will do transparent painting, if implemented. So, there is no need to set the Transparent property of the appropriate AViewInfo objects to True respectively within OnCustomDrawDayCaption and OnCustomDrawDayNumber event handlers. In any case, if you need to completely repaint shapes specified for OnCustomDrawDayCaption and OnCustomDrawDayNumber, set the Transparent property of the appropriate AViewInfo objects to False within these event handlers.

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