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TcxSchedulerDBStorageResources Members

Manages event resources persisted in a relational data store.


Name Description
Create(TcxCustomSchedulerStorage) Creates a new data-aware resource container for the specified event persistence manager.
Create(TPersistent) Initializes a new instance of the TcxInterfacedPersistent class with specified settings. Inherited from TcxInterfacedPersistent.


Name Description
AreImagesUsed Identifies if there is a resource associated with an image. Inherited from TcxSchedulerStorageResources.
DataItems Provides read-only access to all resources that the underlying dataset currently stores.
DataSource Specifies the data source that links the data-aware resource container to a dataset.
Images Specifies the source of images displayed by individual resources. Inherited from TcxSchedulerStorageResources.
Items Provides access to the resource collection. Inherited from TcxSchedulerStorageResources.
Owner Provides access to the control or its object to which the persisted settings belong. Inherited from TcxInterfacedPersistent.
ResourceColor Specifies the name of the underlying dataset’s field that stores resource colors.
ResourceID Specifies the name of the underlying dataset field that stores unique resource identifiers.
ResourceImageIndex Specifies the name of the underlying dataset field that stores resource icon indexes.
ResourceItems Provides access to the resource collection. Inherited from TcxSchedulerStorageResources.
ResourceName Specifies the name of the underlying dataset field that stores resource display names.
ResourceVisible Specifies the name of the underlying dataset field that stores resource visibility states.
ResourceWorkDays Specifies the name of the underlying dataset field that stores sets of workdays that the persisted resources use.
ResourceWorkFinish Specifies the name of the underlying dataset field that stores timestamps that denote the end of work hours that the persisted resources use.
ResourceWorkStart Specifies the name of the underlying dataset field that stores timestamps that denote the beginning of work hours that the persisted resources use.
Storage Provides access to the event persistence manager to which the resource container belongs. Inherited from TcxSchedulerStorageResources.


Name Description
OnGetResourceImageIndex Fires when the index of an image to draw in a resource header is about to be retrieved. Inherited from TcxSchedulerStorageResources.
OnGetResourceName Fires when a resource’s name is about to be retrieved. Inherited from TcxSchedulerStorageResources.
OnResourceLoaded Notifies that a resource has been loaded from the underlying dataset.
OnResourceVisibleChanged Notifies that an event resource‘s visibility state has changed. Inherited from TcxSchedulerStorageResources.
See Also