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TcxPropertiesStoreComponent.StoreToRegistry(string,Boolean) Method

Saves the current component’s properties to the registry.


procedure StoreToRegistry(const AStorageName: string; const AReCreate: Boolean);


Name Type
AStorageName string
AReCreate Boolean


Use this method to save the properties of the component specified by the Component property to the registry. The properties to store are specified by the Properties list.

You can call the StoreToRegistry method even if the StorageType of the current TcxPropertiesStore instance is not set to stRegistry.

By default, the AStorageName parameter specifies the suffix to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry key. So, the whole registry key, used as a storage, looks like HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ + the AStorageName parameter value. However, you can explicitly specify a specific root key as a prefix within the AStorageName parameter value to store data to this root key. Refer to the TcxCustomPropertiesStore.StorageType property description to learn about supported prefixes.

The AReCreate parameter determines whether the registry key is deleted and created again with each call to this method. If this parameter value is False, information is appended to the existing key.

See Also