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TcxRectBasedGeometryObject Members

The base class for persistent classes that store geometry-related information as a TRect record.


Name Description
Create(TPersistent,Integer) Initializes a new instance of the TcxRectBasedGeometryObject class with specified settings.
Create(TPersistent,TRect) Creates a new TcxRectBasedGeometryObject instance from the specified TRect value.
Create(TPersistent) Creates a new TcxOwnedPersistent class descendant instance. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.


Name Description
Bottom Specifies the vertical offset of the rectangle’s right-bottom corner or the bottom margin, in pixels.
Height Specifies the rectangle’s height, in pixels.
Left Specifies the horizontal offset of the rectangle’s left-top corner or the left margin, in pixels.
Owner protected Provides access to the persistent object to which the current property set or persistent information container belongs. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
Right Specifies the horizontal offset of the rectangle’s right-bottom corner or the right margin, in pixels.
Top Specifies the vertical offset of the rectangle’s left-top corner or the top margin, in pixels.
Value Specifies geometry information as a TRect value.
Width Specifies the rectangle’s width, in pixels.


Name Description
_AddRef protected The reference counter increment function of the interfaced property set. Inherited from TcxOwnedInterfacedPersistent.
_Release protected The reference counter decrement function of the interfaced property set. Inherited from TcxOwnedInterfacedPersistent.
Assign(TPersistent) Applies compatible settings from the specified source to the current property set. Inherited from TcxLockablePersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
BeginUpdate Postpones setting change notifications to the parent object until an EndUpdate or CancelUpdate procedure call. Inherited from TcxLockablePersistent.
CancelUpdate Re-enables change notifications and delays pending changes made in the component after a BeginUpdate procedure call until the next content or setting change. Inherited from TcxLockablePersistent.
ChangeScale(Integer,Integer) Scales the persistent geometry object using the specified numerator and denominator values. Inherited from TcxGeometryObject.
DoAssign(TPersistent) protected Updates the persistent information container’s class-specific properties with the corresponding values obtained from another persistent information container. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
DoChanged protected Applies pending changes after an EndUpdate procedure call. Inherited from TcxLockablePersistent.
EndUpdate Applies all pending changes and redraws the parent object after a BeginUpdate procedure call. Inherited from TcxLockablePersistent.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner protected Returns the persistent object to which the current property set or persistent information container belongs. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
IsDefault Identify if geometry information matches its initial state.
IsEmpty Identifies if geometry information corresponds to an empty rectangle or zero margins.
IsEqual(TcxRectBasedGeometryObject) Compares two geometry information containers.
IsEqual(TRect) Compares geometry information to a TRect value.
LoadFromStream(TStream) Loads information from the specified stream to the persistent geometry object. Inherited from TcxGeometryObject.
QueryInterface(TGUID,Untyped) protected Provides access to the implementation of the specified interface if the current persistent property set or information container supports it. Inherited from TcxOwnedInterfacedPersistent.
Reset Restores the initial state of geometry information.
SaveToStream(TStream) Saves information stored in the persistent geometry object, to the specified stream. Inherited from TcxGeometryObject.
ToString Inherited from TObject.


Name Description
OnChange Allows you to respond to changes made to the persistent geometry object’s settings. Inherited from TcxGeometryObject.
See Also