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TcxPivotGridFieldGroup.Insert(Integer,TcxPivotGridField) Method

Inserts a particular field into the specified position within the current group.


procedure Insert(AIndex: Integer; AField: TcxPivotGridField);


Name Type
AIndex Integer
AField TcxPivotGridField


Use this method to add a field to a specific position within the group’s Fields zero-based indexed collection or to reposition a grouped field within this collection. The AIndex parameter represents the position of the field passed as the AField parameter. To display the field as the first or last element in the group, pass a value of 0 or set MaxInt to the AIndex parameter, respectively.


The field that is inserted as the first element in a group controls the group’s visibility, its position within the control and the area. For more information, refer to the Visible, Area and AreaIndex properties, respectively.

See Also