TcxPivotGridFieldGroup Methods
Represents a group of fields.Name | Description |
Add(TcxPivotGridField) | Adds the specified field to the current group. |
AddFields(TcxPivotGridField[]) | Adds an array of fields to the current group. |
Assign(TPersistent) | Inherited from TPersistent. |
AssignTo(TPersistent) | Inherited from TPersistent. |
Clear | Ungroups all the fields within the current group. |
Equals(TObject) | Inherited from TObject. |
FullCollapse | Collapses all the fields within the current group. |
FullExpand | Expands all the fields within the current group. |
GetDisplayName | Inherited from TCollectionItem. |
GetHashCode | Inherited from TObject. |
GetNamePath | Inherited from TPersistent. |
GetOwner | Inherited from TPersistent. |
IndexOf(TcxPivotGridField) | Returns the position of a particular field within the current group. |
Insert(Integer,TcxPivotGridField) | Inserts a particular field into the specified position within the current group. |
IsFieldVisible(TcxPivotGridField) | Determines whether a particular field is visible within the current group. |
IsLastVisibleField(TcxPivotGridField) | Determines whether a particular field is the last visible element in the current group. |
Release | Inherited from TCollectionItem. |
Remove(TcxPivotGridField) | Ungroups a particular field from the current group. |
SetDisplayName(String) | Inherited from TCollectionItem. |
ToString | Inherited from TObject. |
See Also