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TcxPivotGridFieldGroup Properties

Represents a group of fields.
Name Description
Area Specifies the area in which the group is displayed.
AreaIndex Specifies the position of the group amongst the other fields within the same area.
Caption Specifies the group’s display caption.
Collection Inherited from TCollectionItem.
DisplayName Inherited from TCollectionItem.
FieldCount Returns the total number of grouped fields.
Fields Provides indexed access to grouped fields.
Groups Provides access to the collection of field groups which the current group belongs to.
ID Inherited from TCollectionItem.
Index Inherited from TCollectionItem.
PivotGrid Provides access to the pivot grid control that owns the current group.
Visible Specifies whether the current group is visible within the control.
VisibleCount Returns the total number of visible fields within the current group.
See Also