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Workbook.Protect(String, Boolean, Boolean) Method

Protects the structure and windows of a workbook.

You need a license for the DevExpress Office File API Subscription or DevExpress Universal Subscription to use this method in production code.

Namespace: DevExpress.Spreadsheet

Assembly: DevExpress.Docs.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Document.Processor


public void Protect(
    string password,
    bool lockStructure,
    bool lockWindows


Name Type Description
password String

A string that specifies a password for the workbook. If an empty string is specified, the workbook can be unprotected without a password.

lockStructure Boolean

true, to lock the structure of the workbook (the position of the sheets); otherwise, false.

lockWindows Boolean

true, to prevent users from changing the position of worksheet windows; otherwise, false.


Locked structure of the workbook prevents users from adding or deleting worksheets, from hiding worksheets or displaying hidden worksheets. Locked windows option prevents users from freezing or unfreezing panes.

If the workbook is already protected (the Workbook.IsProtected property is true), the Protect method raises an exception.

View Example

Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets["ProtectionSample"];
workbook.Worksheets.ActiveWorksheet = worksheet;

// Protect workbook structure with the password (prevent users from adding or 
//deleting worksheets or displaying hidden worksheets).
if (!workbook.IsProtected)
    workbook.Protect("password", true, false);
// Add a note.
worksheet["B2"].Value = "Workbook structure is protected with a password. \n You cannot add, move or delete worksheets until protection is removed.";
worksheet.Visible = true;

The following code snippet (auto-collected from DevExpress Examples) contains a reference to the Protect(String, Boolean, Boolean) method.


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See Also