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SpreadsheetFont.UnderlineType Property

Gets or sets the type of underline applied to the cell content.

Namespace: DevExpress.Spreadsheet

Assembly: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.v24.1.Core.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Core


UnderlineType UnderlineType { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

An UnderlineType enumeration value.

Available values:

Name Description

Indicates that the text is not underlined.


Specifies a single underline.


Specifies a double underline.


Specifies a single accounting underline (an underline that fills the entire cell width).


Specifies a double accounting underline (an underline that fills the entire cell width).


To specify all the required font characteristics, use the SpreadsheetFont object properties such as SpreadsheetFont.Name, SpreadsheetFont.FontStyle, SpreadsheetFont.Size, SpreadsheetFont.Script, etc. Access this object via the Formatting.Font property.

For examples on how to specify formatting for an individual cell and cell range or modify a style, refer to the How to: Format a Cell or Range of Cells or How to: Create or Modify a Style documents.

To underline entire cells or rows, specify their bottom borders. For details, see the How to: Add and Remove Cell Borders example.


This example demonstrates how to format cell font characteristics (e.g., font name, size, color, style) by modifying the SpreadsheetFont object accessed via the Formatting.Font property of the Cell object.

View Example

// Access the Font object.
SpreadsheetFont cellFont = worksheet.Cells["A1"].Font;
// Set the font name.
cellFont.Name = "Times New Roman";
// Set the font size.
cellFont.Size = 14;
// Set the font color.
cellFont.Color = Color.Blue;
// Format text as bold.
cellFont.Bold = true;
// Set font to be underlined.
cellFont.UnderlineType = UnderlineType.Single;

The following code snippets (auto-collected from DevExpress Examples) contain references to the UnderlineType property.


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See Also