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PivotItem.MoveToBeginning() Method

Moves the item to the first position within the field’s item collection.

Namespace: DevExpress.Spreadsheet

Assembly: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.v24.2.Core.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Core


void MoveToBeginning()


After you create a PivotTable report or load an existing pivot table, you can rearrange items in a specific field by moving them to a different position. To do this, access the required item you wish to move by its index in the PivotItemCollection collection and then call one of the following PivotItem methods.

Method Description
PivotItem.MoveUp Moves the item label one position up in the field.
PivotItem.MoveDown Moves the item label one position down in the field.
MoveToBeginning Moves the item label to the first position within the field.
PivotItem.MoveToEnd Moves the item label to the last position within the field.
See Also