IWorkbook Methods
A workbook loaded into the Spreadsheet control (for WinForms, WPF, and ASP.NET).Name | Description |
AddService(Type, ServiceCreatorCallback, Boolean) | Adds the specified service to the service container, and optionally promotes the service to parent service containers. Inherited from IServiceContainer. |
AddService(Type, ServiceCreatorCallback) | Adds the specified service to the service container. Inherited from IServiceContainer. |
AddService(Type, Object, Boolean) | Adds the specified service to the service container, and optionally promotes the service to any parent service containers. Inherited from IServiceContainer. |
AddService(Type, Object) | Adds the specified service to the service container. Inherited from IServiceContainer. |
Calculate() | Forces recalculation of the workbook. |
Calculate(CellRange) | Forces recalculation of the specified cell range in a worksheet. |
Calculate(Worksheet) | Forces recalculation of the specified worksheet in a workbook. |
CalculateFull() | Forces a full calculation of the data in a workbook. |
CalculateFullRebuild() | Forces a full calculation of cell formulas in a workbook. |
CreateArea(String, BrickGraphics) | When implemented by a class, creates report elements (bricks) for a specific area. Inherited from IBasePrintable. |
CreateNewDocument() | Creates and loads a new empty workbook. Inherited from ISpreadsheetComponent. |
Dispose() | Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Inherited from IDisposable. |
Evaluate(String, FormulaEvaluationContext) | Evaluates the specified formula in a certain context. |
Evaluate(String) | Evaluates the specified formula. |
ExportToHtml(Stream, CellRange) | Exports the specified range to the specified stream in HTML format. |
ExportToHtml(Stream, Worksheet) | Exports the specified worksheet to the specified stream in HTML format. |
ExportToHtml(Stream, HtmlDocumentExporterOptions) | Exports the document’s data to the specified stream in HTML format using the specified options. |
ExportToHtml(Stream, Int32) | Exports the specified worksheet to the specified stream in HTML format. |
ExportToHtml(String, CellRange) | Exports the specified range to the specified file in HTML format. |
ExportToHtml(String, Worksheet) | Exports the specified worksheet to the specified file in HTML format. |
ExportToHtml(String, HtmlDocumentExporterOptions) | Exports the document’s data to the specified file in HTML format using the specified options. |
ExportToHtml(String, Int32) | Exports the specified worksheet to the specified file in HTML format. |
ExportToPdf(Stream, PdfExportOptions) | Exports the workbook to the specified stream in PDF format using the specified options. |
ExportToPdf(Stream) | Exports the workbook to the specified stream in PDF format. |
ExportToPdf(String, PdfExportOptions) | Exports the workbook to the specified file path in PDF format using the specified options. |
ExportToPdf(String) | Exports the workbook to the specified file path in PDF format. |
Finalize(PrintingSystemBase, LinkBase) | If implemented by a class, finalizes the printing of the report. Inherited from IBasePrintable. |
GenerateMailMergeDocuments() | Performs the mail merge and returns the collection of resulting workbooks. |
GetService(Type) | Gets the service object of the specified type. Inherited from IServiceProvider. |
Initialize(PrintingSystemBase, LinkBase) | When implemented by a class, initializes a control for report creation. Inherited from IBasePrintable. |
LoadDocument(Byte[], DocumentFormat) | Loads a document from a byte array. Inherited from ISpreadsheetComponent. |
LoadDocument(Byte[]) | Loads the document from a Byte[] array. Inherited from ISpreadsheetComponent. |
LoadDocument(Stream, DocumentFormat) | Loads a document from a stream, specifying the document format. Inherited from ISpreadsheetComponent. |
LoadDocument(Stream) | Loads the document from a stream. Inherited from ISpreadsheetComponent. |
LoadDocument(String, DocumentFormat) | Loads a document from a file, specifying the document format. Inherited from ISpreadsheetComponent. |
LoadDocument(String) | Loads a document from a file. Inherited from ISpreadsheetComponent. |
Protect(String, Boolean, Boolean) | Protects the structure and windows of a workbook. |
RemoveService(Type, Boolean) | Removes the specified service type from the service container, and optionally promotes the service to parent service containers. Inherited from IServiceContainer. |
RemoveService(Type) | Removes the specified service type from the service container. Inherited from IServiceContainer. |
SaveDocument(DocumentFormat, EncryptionSettings) | Saves a document to an array of bytes in the specified format with the specified encryption settings. Inherited from ISpreadsheetComponent. |
SaveDocument(DocumentFormat) | Saves a document to an array of bytes in the specified format. Inherited from ISpreadsheetComponent. |
SaveDocument(Stream, DocumentFormat, EncryptionSettings) | Saves the document to a stream, specifying the document format anf encryption options. Inherited from ISpreadsheetComponent. |
SaveDocument(Stream, DocumentFormat) | Saves the document to a stream, specifying the document format. Inherited from ISpreadsheetComponent. |
SaveDocument(String, DocumentFormat, EncryptionSettings) | Saves the document to a file, specifying the document format and encryption options. Inherited from ISpreadsheetComponent. |
SaveDocument(String, DocumentFormat) | Saves the document to a file, specifying the document format. Inherited from ISpreadsheetComponent. |
SaveDocument(String, EncryptionSettings) | Saves the document to the specified file with the specified encryption options. The file format is identified by the file extension. Inherited from ISpreadsheetComponent. |
SaveDocument(String) | Saves the document to the specified file. The file format is identified by the file extension. Inherited from ISpreadsheetComponent. |
Search(String, SearchOptions) | Performs a search in the current document using specified options. |
Search(String) | Performs a search in the current document using the default parameters. |
Unprotect(String) | Removes protection from a workbook. |
See Also