DXCalendarActualAppearance Properties
An appearance object.Name | Description |
BackgroundColor |
Gets the background color that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this color, use the DXCalendar‘s BackgroundColor property.
BackwardIcon | Gets the backward icon of the calendar header. Use the BackwardIcon property to specify the icon. |
BackwardIconColor | Gets the backward icon’s color value that is applied to the DXCalendar. |
CellMinSize | Gets the calendar cell’s minimum size value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the CellMinSize property. |
CellPadding | Gets the calendar cell’s padding value that is applied to the DXCalendar. |
DayCellBackgroundColor | Gets the day cell’s background color that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this color, use the BackgroundColor property. |
DayCellDisabledBackgroundColor | Gets the day cell’s background color that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is disabled. To specify this color, use the DisabledBackgroundColor property. |
DayCellDisabledFontAttributes | Gets the day cell’s font attribute value that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is disabled. To specify this value, use the DisabledFontAttributes property. |
DayCellDisabledFontFamily | Gets the day cell’s font family value that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is disabled. To specify this value, use the DisabledFontFamily property. |
DayCellDisabledFontSize | Gets the day cell’s font size value that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is disabled. To specify this value, use the DisabledFontSize property. |
DayCellDisabledTextColor | Gets the day cell’s text color that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is disabled. To specify this color, use the DisabledTextColor property. |
DayCellFontAttributes | Gets the day cell’s font attribute value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the FontAttributes property. |
DayCellFontFamily | Gets the day cell’s font family value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the FontFamily property. |
DayCellFontSize | Gets the day cell’s font size value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the FontSize property. |
DayCellSelectedBackgroundColor | Gets the day cell’s background color that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is selected. To specify this color, use the SelectedBackgroundColor property. |
DayCellSelectedEllipseBackgroundColor | Gets the day cell’s ellipse background color that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is selected. To specify this color, use the SelectedEllipseBackgroundColor property. |
DayCellSelectedFontAttributes | Gets the day cell’s font attribute value that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is selected. To specify this value, use the SelectedFontAttributes property. |
DayCellSelectedFontFamily | Gets the day cell’s font family value that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is selected. To specify this value, use the SelectedFontFamily property. |
DayCellSelectedFontSize | Gets the day cell’s font size value that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is selected. To specify this value, use the SelectedFontFamily property. |
DayCellSelectedTextColor | Gets the day cell’s text color that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is selected. To specify this color, use the SelectedTextColor property. |
DayCellTextColor | Gets the day cell’s text color that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this color, use the FontSize property. |
DayCellTodayBackgroundColor | Gets the today cell’s background color that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this color, use the TodayBackgroundColor property. |
DayCellTodayEllipseBackgroundColor | Gets the today cell’s ellipse background color that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this color, use the TodayEllipseBackgroundColor property. |
DayCellTodayFontAttributes | Gets the today cell’s font attribute value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the TodayFontAttributes property. |
DayCellTodayFontFamily | Gets the today cell’s font family value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the TodayFontFamily property. |
DayCellTodayFontSize | Gets the today cell’s font size value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the TodayFontSize property. |
DayCellTodayTextColor | Gets the today cell’s text color that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the TodayTextColor property. |
DayOfWeekCellBackgroundColor | Gets the day of week cell’s background color that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this color, use the CalendarDayOfWeekCellAppearance.BackgroundColor property. |
DayOfWeekCellFontAttributes | Gets the day of week cell’s font attribute value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the CalendarDayOfWeekCellAppearance.FontAttributes property. |
DayOfWeekCellFontFamily | Gets the day of week cell’s font family value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the CalendarDayOfWeekCellAppearance.FontFamily property. |
DayOfWeekCellFontSize | Gets the day of week cell’s font size value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the CalendarDayOfWeekCellAppearance.FontSize property. |
DayOfWeekCellTextColor | Gets the day of week cell’s text color that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this color, use the CalendarDayOfWeekCellAppearance.TextColor property. |
DecadeViewHeaderTitleStringFormat | Gets the string format applied to the calendar title in the decade view. Use the DecadeViewHeaderTitleStringFormat property to specify the format. |
ForwardIcon | Gets the forward icon of the calendar header. Use the ForwardIcon property to specify the icon. |
ForwardIconColor | Gets the forward icon’s color that is applied to the DXCalendar. |
HeaderBackgroundColor | Gets the header’s background color that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this color, use the CalendarHeaderAppearance‘s BackgroundColor inherited property. |
HeaderSubtitleFontAttributes | Gets the header subtitle’s font attribute value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the CalendarHeaderAppearance‘s HeaderSubtitleTextColor inherited property. |
HeaderSubtitleFontFamily | Gets the header subtitle’s font family value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the CalendarHeaderAppearance‘s HeaderSubtitleFontFamily inherited property. |
HeaderSubtitleFontSize | Gets the header subtitle’s font size value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the CalendarHeaderAppearance‘s HeaderSubtitleFontSize inherited property. |
HeaderSubtitleStringFormat | Gets the string format applied to the calendar subtitle. Use the HeaderSubtitleStringFormat property to specify the format. |
HeaderSubtitleTextColor | Gets the header subtitle’s text color that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this color, use the CalendarHeaderAppearance‘s HeaderSubtitleTextColor inherited property. |
HeaderTitleFontAttributes | Gets the header title’s font attribute value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the CalendarHeaderAppearance‘s HeaderTitleFontAttributes inherited property. |
HeaderTitleFontFamily | Gets the header title’s font family value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the CalendarHeaderAppearance‘s HeaderTitleFontFamily inherited property. |
HeaderTitleFontSize | Gets the header title’s font size value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the CalendarHeaderAppearance‘s HeaderTitleFontSize inherited property. |
HeaderTitleTextColor | Gets the header title’s text color that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this color, use the CalendarHeaderAppearance‘s HeaderTitleTextColor inherited property. |
HorizontalCellSpacing | Gets the horizontal cell spacing value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the HorizontalCellSpacing property. |
LargeCellPadding | Gets the padding value that is applied to the DXCalendar‘s large cells. |
MonthCellBackgroundColor | Gets the month cell’s background color that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this color, use the CalendarMonthCellAppearance‘s BackgroundColor inherited property. |
MonthCellDisabledBackgroundColor | Gets the month cell’s background color that is applied to the DXCalendar when the month is disabled. To specify this color, use the CalendarMonthCellAppearance‘s DisabledBackgroundColor inherited property. |
MonthCellDisabledFontAttributes | Gets the month cell’s font attribute value that is applied to the DXCalendar when the month is disabled. To specify this value, use the CalendarMonthCellAppearance‘s DisabledFontAttributes inherited property. |
MonthCellDisabledFontFamily | Gets the month cell’s font family value that is applied to the DXCalendar when the month is disabled. To specify this value, use the CalendarMonthCellAppearance‘s DisabledFontFamily inherited property. |
MonthCellDisabledFontSize | Gets the month cell’s font size value that is applied to the DXCalendar when the month is disabled. To specify this value, use the CalendarMonthCellAppearance‘s DisabledFontSize inherited property. |
MonthCellDisabledTextColor | Gets the month cell’s text color that is applied to the DXCalendar when the month is disabled. To specify this color, use the CalendarMonthCellAppearance‘s DisabledTextColor inherited property. |
MonthCellFontAttributes | Gets the month cell’s font attribute value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the CalendarMonthCellAppearance‘s FontAttributes inherited property. |
MonthCellFontFamily | Gets the month cell’s family attribute value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the CalendarMonthCellAppearance‘s FontFamily inherited property. |
MonthCellFontSize | Gets the month cell’s font size attribute value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the CalendarMonthCellAppearance‘s FontSize inherited property. |
MonthCellSelectedBackgroundColor | Gets the month cell’s background color that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is selected. To specify this color, use the CalendarMonthCellAppearance‘s SelectedBackgroundColor inherited property. |
MonthCellSelectedEllipseBackgroundColor | Gets the month cell’s ellipse background color that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is selected. To specify this color, use the CalendarMonthCellAppearance‘s SelectedEllipseBackgroundColor inherited property. |
MonthCellSelectedFontAttributes | Gets the month cell’s font attribute value that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is selected. To specify this value, use the CalendarMonthCellAppearance‘s SelectedFontAttributes inherited property. |
MonthCellSelectedFontFamily | Gets the month cell’s font family value that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is selected. To specify this value, use the CalendarMonthCellAppearance‘s SelectedFontFamily inherited property. |
MonthCellSelectedFontSize | Gets the month cell’s font size value that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is selected. To specify this value, use the CalendarMonthCellAppearance‘s SelectedFontSize inherited property. |
MonthCellSelectedTextColor | Gets the month cell’s text color that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is selected. To specify this color, use the CalendarMonthCellAppearance‘s SelectedTextColor inherited property. |
MonthCellTextColor | Gets the month cell’s text color that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this color, use the CalendarMonthCellAppearance‘s TextColor inherited property. |
MonthViewHeaderTitleStringFormat | Gets the string format applied to the calendar title in the month view. Use the MonthViewHeaderTitleStringFormat property to specify the format. |
Padding | Gets the calendar’s padding value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the Padding property. |
PressedItemColor | Gets the color that is applied to the DXCalendar‘s items when they are pressed. |
VerticalCellSpacing | Gets the vertical cell spacing value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the VerticalCellSpacing property. |
YearCellBackgroundColor | Gets the year cell’s background color that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this color, use the CalendarYearCellAppearance‘s BackgroundColor inherited property. |
YearCellDisabledBackgroundColor | Gets the year cell’s background color that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is disabled. To specify this color, use the CalendarYearCellAppearance‘s DisabledBackgroundColor inherited property. |
YearCellDisabledFontAttributes | Gets the year cell’s font attribute value that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is disabled. To specify this value, use the CalendarYearCellAppearance‘s DisabledFontAttributes inherited property. |
YearCellDisabledFontFamily | Gets the year cell’s font family value that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is disabled. To specify this value, use the CalendarYearCellAppearance‘s DisabledFontFamily inherited property. |
YearCellDisabledFontSize | Gets the year cell’s font size value that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is disabled. To specify this value, use the CalendarYearCellAppearance‘s DisabledFontSize inherited property. |
YearCellDisabledTextColor | Gets the year cell’s text color that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is disabled. To specify this colot, use the CalendarYearCellAppearance‘s DisabledTextColor inherited property. |
YearCellFontAttributes | Gets the year cell’s font attribute value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the CalendarYearCellAppearance‘s FontAttributes inherited property. |
YearCellFontFamily | Gets the year cell’s font family value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the CalendarYearCellAppearance‘s FontFamily inherited property. |
YearCellFontSize | Gets the year cell’s font size value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this value, use the CalendarYearCellAppearance‘s FontSize inherited property. |
YearCellSelectedBackgroundColor | Gets the year cell’s background color that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is selected. To specify this color, use the CalendarYearCellAppearance‘s SelectedBackgroundColor inherited property. |
YearCellSelectedEllipseBackgroundColor | Gets the year cell’s ellipse background color that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is selected. To specify this color, use the CalendarYearCellAppearance‘s SelectedEllipseBackgroundColor inherited property. |
YearCellSelectedFontAttributes | Gets the year cell’s font attribute value that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is selected. To specify this value, use the CalendarYearCellAppearance‘s SelectedFontAttributes inherited property. |
YearCellSelectedFontFamily | Gets the year cell’s font family value that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is selected. To specify this value, use the CalendarYearCellAppearance‘s SelectedFontFamily inherited property. |
YearCellSelectedFontSize | Gets the year cell’s font size value that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is selected. To specify this value, use the CalendarYearCellAppearance‘s SelectedFontSize inherited property. |
YearCellSelectedTextColor | Gets the year cell’s text color value that is applied to the DXCalendar when the cell is selected. To specify this color, use the CalendarYearCellAppearance‘s SelectedTextColor inherited property. |
YearCellTextColor | Gets the year cell’s text color value that is applied to the DXCalendar. To specify this color, use the CalendarYearCellAppearance‘s TextColor inherited property. |
YearViewHeaderTitleStringFormat | Gets the string format applied to the calendar title in the year view. Use the YearViewHeaderTitleStringFormat property to specify the format. |
See Also