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ChipGroupActualAppearance Members

An appearance object.


Name Description
BackgroundColor Gets the background color value that is applied to the ChipGroup. To specify this value, use the ChipGroup‘s BackgroundColor property.
BoxMode Gets the box mode value that is applied to the ChipGroup. To specify this value, use the BoxMode property.
ChipBackgroundColor Gets the chip’s background color that is applied to the ChipGroup. To specify this color, use the ChipBackgroundColor property.
ChipBorderColor Gets the chip’s border color that is applied to the ChipGroup. To specify this color, use the ChipBackgroundColor property.
ChipBorderThickness Gets the chip’s border thickness value that is applied to the ChipGroup. To specify this value, use the ChipBorderThickness property.
ChipCheckIconColor Gets the chip’s check icon color that is applied to the ChipGroup. To specify this color, use the ChipCheckIconColor property.
ChipCornerRadius Gets the chip’s corner radius value that is applied to the ChipGroup. To specify this value, use the ChipCornerRadius property.
ChipDisabledBackgroundColor Gets the chip’s background color that is applied to the ChipGroup when the chip is disabled. To specify this color, use the ChipDisabledBackgroundColor property.
ChipDisabledBorderColor Gets the chip’s border color that is applied to the ChipGroup when the chip is disabled. To specify this color, use the ChipDisabledBorderColor property.
ChipDisabledCheckIconColor Gets the chip’s check icon color that is applied to the ChipGroup when the chip is disabled. To specify this color, use the ChipDisabledCheckIconColor property.
ChipDisabledIconColor Gets the chip’s icon color that is applied to the ChipGroup when the chip is disabled. To specify this color, use the ChipDisabledIconColor property.
ChipDisabledRemoveIconColor Gets the chip’s remove icon color that is applied to the ChipGroup when the chip is disabled. To specify this color, use the ChipDisabledRemoveIconColor property.
ChipDisabledTextColor Gets the chip’s text color that is applied to the ChipGroup when the chip is disabled. To specify this color, use the ChipDisabledTextColor property.
ChipFontAttributes Gets the chip’s font attributes that is applied to the ChipGroup. To specify this value, use the ChipFontAttributes property.
ChipFontFamily Gets the chip’s font family that is applied to the ChipGroup. To specify this value, use the ChipFontFamily property.
ChipFontSize Gets the chip’s font size that is applied to the ChipGroup. To specify this value, use the ChipFontSize property.
ChipIconColor Gets the chip’s icon color that is applied to the ChipGroup. To specify this color, use the ChipIconColor property.
ChipIconIndent Gets the chip’s icon indent value that is applied to the ChipGroup. To specify this value, use the ChipIconIndent property.
ChipIconSize Gets the chip’s icon size value that is applied to the ChipGroup. To specify this value, use the ChipIconSize property.
ChipIsIconVisible Gets the chip’s icon visibility value that is applied to the ChipGroup. To specify this value, use the ChipIsIconVisible property.
ChipPadding Gets the chip’s padding value that is applied to the ChipGroup. To specify this value, use the ChipPadding property.
ChipPressedBackgroundColor Gets the chip’s background color that is applied to the ChipGroup when the chip is pressed. To specify this color, use the ChipPressedBackgroundColor property.
ChipPressedBorderColor Gets the chip’s border color that is applied to the ChipGroup when the chip is pressed. To specify this color, use the ChipPressedBorderColor property.
ChipPressedCheckIconColor Gets the chip’s check icon color that is applied to the ChipGroup when the chip is pressed. To specify this color, use the ChipPressedCheckIconColor property.
ChipPressedIconColor Gets the chip’s icon color that is applied to the ChipGroup when the chip is pressed. To specify this color, use the ChipPressedIconColor property.
ChipPressedRemoveIconColor Gets the chip’s remove icon color that is applied to the ChipGroup when the chip is pressed. To specify this color, use the ChipPressedRemoveIconColor property.
ChipPressedTextColor Gets the chip’s text color that is applied to the ChipGroup when the chip is pressed. To specify this color, use the ChipPressedTextColor property.
ChipRemoveIconColor Gets the chip’s remove icon color that is applied to the ChipGroup when the chip is pressed. To specify this color, use the ChipRemoveIconColor property.
ChipTextColor Gets the chip’s text color that is applied to the ChipGroup. To specify this color, use the ChipTextColor property.
ChipUseRippleEffect Gets whether the ripple effect is used to change the ChipGroup‘s selection state. To specify this value, use the ChipUseRippleEffect property.
FontAutoScalingEnabled Gets or sets whether text is scaled according to the operating system’s text scale setting. This is a bindable property.
HorizontalSpacing Gets the horizontal amount of space between chips that is applied to the ChipGroup. To specify this value, use the HorizontalSpacing property.
IsMultiline Gets whether the ChipGroup‘s chips are displayed in a multiple lines. To specify this value, use the IsMultiline property.
Padding Gets the padding value that is applied to the ChipGroup. To specify this value, use the Padding property.
VerticalSpacing Gets the vertical amount of space between chips that is applied to the ChipGroup. To specify this value, use the VerticalSpacing property.


Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from System.Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from System.Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from System.Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from System.Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from System.Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from System.Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from System.Object.
See Also