ChipActualAppearance Properties
An appearance object.Name | Description |
BackgroundColor |
Gets the background color that is applied to the Chip. To specify this color, use the Chip‘s BackgroundColor inherited property.
BorderColor | Gets the border color that is applied to the Chip. To specify this color, use the BorderColor property. |
BorderThickness | Gets the border thickness value that is applied to the Chip. To specify this value, use the BorderThickness property. |
CheckIconColor | Gets the check icon’s foreground value that is applied to the Chip. To specify this value, use the CheckIconColor property. |
CornerRadius | Gets the corner radius value that is applied to the Chip. To specify this value, use the CornerRadius property. |
DisabledBackgroundColor | Gets the background color value that is applied to the Chip when it is in the disabled state. To specify this value, use the DisabledBackgroundColor property. |
DisabledBorderColor | Gets the border color value that is applied to the Chip when it is in the disabled state. To specify this value, use the DisabledBorderColor property. |
DisabledCheckIconColor | Gets the check icon’s color value that is applied to the Chip when it is in the disabled state. To specify this value, use the DisabledCheckIconColor property. |
DisabledIconColor | Gets the icon’s color value that is applied to the Chip when it is in the disabled state. To specify this value, use the DisabledIconColor property. |
DisabledRemoveIconColor | Gets the remove icon’s color value that is applied to the Chip when it is in the disabled state. To specify this value, use the DisabledRemoveIconColor property. |
DisabledTextColor | Gets the text’s color value that is applied to the Chip when it is in the disabled state. To specify this value, use the DisabledTextColor property. |
FontAttributes | Gets the font attribute value that is applied to the Chip. To specify this value, use the FontAttributes property. |
FontFamily | Gets the font family value that is applied to the Chip. To specify this value, use the FontFamily property. |
FontSize | Gets the font size value that is applied to the Chip. To specify this value, use the FontSize property. |
IconColor | Gets the icon color value that is applied to the Chip. To specify this value, use the IconColor property. |
IconIndent | Gets the icon’s indent value that is applied to the Chip. To specify this value, use the IconIndent property. |
IconSize | Gets the icon’s size value that is applied to the Chip. To specify this value, use the IconSize property. |
Padding | Gets the padding value that is applied to the Chip. To specify this value, use the Padding property. |
PressedBackgroundColor | Gets the background color value that is applied to the Chip when it is in the pressed state. To specify this value, use the PressedBackgroundColor property. |
PressedBorderColor | Gets the border color value that is applied to the Chip when it is in the pressed state. To specify this value, use the PressedBorderColor property. |
PressedCheckIconColor | Gets the check icon’s color value that is applied to the Chip when it is in the pressed state. To specify this value, use the PressedCheckIconColor property. |
PressedIconColor | Gets the icon’s color value that is applied to the Chip when it is in the pressed state. To specify this value, use the PressedIconColor property. |
PressedRemoveIconColor | Gets the remove icon’s color value that is applied to the Chip when it is in the pressed state. To specify this value, use the PressedRemoveIconColor property. |
PressedTextColor | Gets the text color value that is applied to the Chip when it is in the pressed state. To specify this value, use the PressedTextColor property. |
RemoveIconColor | Gets the remove icon’s color value that is applied to the Chip. To specify this value, use the RemoveIconColor property. |
SelectedBackgroundColor | Gets the background color value that is applied to the Chip when it is selected. To specify this value, use the SelectedBackgroundColor property. |
SelectedBorderColor | Gets the border color value that is applied to the Chip when it is selected. To specify this value, use the SelectedBorderColor property. |
SelectedDisabledBackgroundColor | Gets the background color value that is applied to the Chip when it is selected and disabled. To specify this value, use the SelectedDisabledBackgroundColor property. |
SelectedDisabledBorderColor | Gets the border color value that is applied to the Chip when it is selected and disabled. To specify this value, use the SelectedDisabledBorderColor property. |
SelectedDisabledIconColor | Gets the icon’s color value that is applied to the Chip when it is selected and disabled. To specify this value, use the SelectedDisabledIconColor property. |
SelectedDisabledRemoveIconColor | Gets the remove icon’s color value that is applied to the Chip when it is selected and disabled. To specify this value, use the SelectedDisabledRemoveIconColor property. |
SelectedDisabledTextColor | Gets the text color value that is applied to the Chip when it is selected and disabled. To specify this value, use the SelectedDisabledTextColor property. |
SelectedIconColor | Gets the icon’s color value that is applied to the Chip when it is selected. To specify this value, use the SelectedIconColor property. |
SelectedRemoveIconColor | Gets the remove icon’s color value that is applied to the Chip when it is selected. To specify this value, use the SelectedRemoveIconColor property. |
SelectedTextColor | Gets the text color value that is applied to the Chip when it is selected. To specify this value, use the SelectedTextColor property. |
TextColor | Gets the text color value that is applied to the Chip. To specify this value, use the TextColor property. |
UseRippleEffect | Gets whether the ripple effect is used to change the Chip‘s selection state. To specify this value, use the UseRippleEffect property. |
See Also