GridColumn Members
An abstract class that serves as the base class for grid columns.Constructors
Name | Description |
GridColumn() | Initializes a new instance of the GridColumn class. |
Name | Description |
AllowAutoFilterProperty static | Identifies the AllowAutoFilter bindable property. |
AllowExportProperty static | Identifies the AllowExport bindable property. |
AllowSortProperty static | Identifies the AllowSort bindable property. |
AutoFilterConditionProperty static | Identifies the AutoFilterCondition bindable property. |
AutoFilterValueProperty static | Identifies the AutoFilterValue bindable property. |
BackgroundColorProperty static | Identifies the BackgroundColor bindable property. |
BestFitItemsCountProperty static | Identifies the BestFitItemsCount bindable property. |
BestFitModeProperty static | Identifies the BestFitMode bindable property. |
BindingContextProperty static | Bindable property for BindingContext. Inherited from BindableObject. |
CaptionProperty static | Identifies the Caption bindable property. |
ColumnProperty static | Identifies the Column bindable property. |
ColumnSpanProperty static | Identifies the ColumnSpan bindable property. |
DisplayFormatProperty static | Identifies the DisplayFormat bindable property. |
EditFormCaptionProperty static | Identifies the EditFormCaption bindable property. |
EnableImmediatePostingProperty static | Identifies the EnableImmediatePosting bindable property. |
ExportCellAppearanceProperty static | Identifies the ExportCellAppearance bindable property. |
ExportColumnHeaderAppearanceProperty static | Identifies the ExportColumnHeaderAppearance bindable property. |
ExportMaxWidthProperty static | Identifies the ExportMaxWidth bindable property. |
ExportMinWidthProperty static | Identifies the ExportMinWidth bindable property. |
ExportTotalSummaryAppearanceProperty static | Identifies the ExportTotalSummaryAppearance bindable property. |
ExportWidthProperty static | Identifies the ExportWidth bindable property. |
FieldNameProperty static | Identifies the FieldName bindable property. |
FilterModeProperty static | Identifies the FilterMode bindable property. |
FixedStyleProperty static | Identifies the FixedStyle bindable property. |
GroupCaptionDisplayFormatProperty static | Identifies the GroupCaptionDisplayFormat bindable property. |
GroupCaptionTemplateProperty static | Identifies the GroupCaptionTemplate bindable property. |
GroupIntervalProperty static | Identifies the GroupInterval bindable property. |
HeaderBackgroundColorProperty static | Identifies the HeaderBackgroundColor bindable property. |
HeaderBorderColorProperty static | Identifies the HeaderBorderColor bindable property. |
HeaderBottomBorderColorProperty static | Identifies the HeaderBottomBorderColor bindable property. |
HeaderCaptionLineBreakModeProperty static | Identifies the HeaderCaptionLineBreakMode bindable property. |
HeaderContentTemplateProperty static | Identifies the HeaderContentTemplate bindable property. |
HeaderFontAttributesProperty static | Identifies the HeaderFontAttributes bindable property. |
HeaderFontColorProperty static | Identifies the HeaderFontColor bindable property. |
HeaderFontFamilyProperty static | Identifies the HeaderFontFamily bindable property. |
HeaderFontSizeProperty static | Identifies the HeaderFontSize bindable property. |
HeaderPaddingProperty static | Identifies the HeaderPadding bindable property. |
HeaderTextDecorationsProperty static | Identifies the HeaderTextDecorations bindable property. |
HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty static | Identifies the HorizontalContentAlignment bindable property. |
HorizontalHeaderAlignmentProperty static | Identifies the HorizontalHeaderAlignment bindable property. |
ImmediateUpdateAutoFilterProperty static | Identifies the ImmediateUpdateAutoFilter bindable property. |
IsGroupedProperty static | Identifies the IsGrouped bindable property. |
IsReadOnlyProperty static | Identifies the IsReadOnly bindable property. |
IsVisibleProperty static | Identifies the IsVisible bindable property. |
MaxWidthProperty static | Identifies the MaxWidth bindable property. |
MinWidthProperty static | Identifies the MinWidth bindable property. |
PaddingProperty static | Identifies the Padding bindable property. |
RowProperty static | Identifies the Row bindable property. |
RowSpanProperty static | Identifies the RowSpan bindable property. |
ShowFilterIconProperty static | Identifies the ShowFilterIcon bindable property. |
SortIndexProperty static | Identifies the SortIndex bindable property. |
SortModeProperty static | Identifies the SortMode bindable property. |
SortOrderProperty static | Identifies the SortOrder bindable property. |
TotalSummaryTemplateProperty static | Identifies the TotalSummaryTemplate bindable property. |
UnboundExpressionProperty static | Identifies the UnboundExpression bindable property. |
UnboundTypeProperty static | Identifies the UnboundType bindable property. |
VerticalContentAlignmentProperty static | Identifies the VerticalContentAlignment bindable property. |
WidthProperty static | Identifies the Width bindable property. |
Name | Description |
ActualAppearance | Gets the common appearance settings that are applied to the current GridColumn. |
ActualCaption | Gets the column caption as it is displayed in a column header. |
AllowAutoFilter | Gets or sets whether users can enter a value in the Auto Filter Row. This is a bindable property. |
AllowExport | Gets or sets whether to display the column in the exported document. This is a bindable property. |
AllowSort | Gets or sets whether end users can sort data by the column. This is a bindable property. |
AutoFilterCondition | Gets or sets the filter condition (equals, contains, etc.) used to compare the value in the Auto-Filter Row with column values. This is a bindable property. |
AutoFilterValue | Gets or sets the value of the cell in the Auto Filter Row. This is a bindable property. |
BackgroundColor | Gets or sets the background color of the column’s cells. This is a bindable property. |
BestFitItemsCount | Gets or sets the number of cells used to calculate the best-fit width for the current column. This is a bindable property. |
BestFitMode | Gets or sets the mode used to calculate the best-fit width for the current column. This is a bindable property. |
BindingContext |
Gets or sets an object that contains the properties that will be targeted by the bound properties that belong to this BindableObject. This is a bindable property. Inherited from BindableObject. |
Caption | Gets or sets the caption displayed in the column header. This is a bindable property. |
Column | Gets or sets the column of the grid’s multi-row layout (AdvancedColumnLayout) where cells are located. This is a bindable property. |
ColumnSpan | Gets or sets the number of the columns that the column should be spanned across. This property is in effect only when the grid displays the multi-row layout (AdvancedColumnLayout). This is a bindable property. |
Dispatcher |
Gets the dispatcher that was available when this bindable object was created, otherwise tries to find the nearest available dispatcher (probably the window’s/app’s). Inherited from BindableObject. |
DisplayFormat | Gets or sets the pattern used to format cell values of the column. This is a bindable property. |
EditFormCaption | Gets or sets the caption of the editor associated with the current column in the edit form. This is a bindable property. |
EnableImmediatePosting | Gets or sets whether to post values to a data source immediately after changing the grid column’s cell value. This is a dependency property. |
ExportCellAppearance | Gets or sets the appearance object applied to cells in an exported document. This is a bindable property. |
ExportColumnHeaderAppearance | Gets or sets the appearance object applied to the column header items in an exported document. This is a bindable property. |
ExportMaxWidth | Gets or sets the column’s maximum width in an exported document. This is a bindable property. |
ExportMinWidth | Gets or sets the column’s minimum width in an exported document. This is a bindable property. |
ExportTotalSummaryAppearance | Gets or sets the appearance object applied to total summary items when they are exported. This is a bindable property. |
ExportWidth | Gets or sets the column’s width in an exported document. This is a bindable property. |
FieldName | Gets or sets the name of the data source’s field associated with the grid column, or serves as an identifier for unbound columns. This is a bindable property. |
FilterMode | Gets or sets whether filters are applied to the actual cell values or to the text displayed in cells. This is a bindable property. |
FixedStyle | Gets or sets whether a column is fixed. This is a bindable property. |
GroupCaptionDisplayFormat | Gets or sets the pattern used to construct group row captions. This is a bindable property. |
GroupCaptionTemplate | Gets or sets the template that defines the visual representation of a group row caption. This is a bindable property. |
GroupInterval | Gets or sets how data rows are combined into groups. This is a bindable property. |
HeaderBackgroundColor | Gets or sets the background color of the grid column’s header. This is a bindable property. |
HeaderBorderColor | Gets or sets the border color of the grid column’s header. This is a bindable property. |
HeaderBottomBorderColor | Gets or sets the border color of the grid column header’s bottom border. This is a bindable property. |
HeaderCaptionLineBreakMode | Gets or sets how to handle the caption text if it cannot fit on one line. This is a bindable property. |
HeaderContentTemplate | Gets or sets the template that defines the visual representation of the column header. This is a bindable property. |
HeaderFontAttributes | Gets or sets the grid column header’s font attributes. This is a bindable property. |
HeaderFontColor | Gets or sets the grid column header’s font color. This is a bindable property. |
HeaderFontFamily | Gets or sets the grid column header’s font family. This is a bindable property. |
HeaderFontSize | Gets or sets the grid column header’s font size. This is a bindable property. |
HeaderPadding | Gets or sets the grid column header’s padding. This is a bindable property. |
HeaderTextDecorations | Gets or sets the grid column header’s text decorations. This is a bindable property. |
HorizontalContentAlignment | Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the column’s content. This is a bindable property. |
HorizontalHeaderAlignment | Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the column’s header. This is a bindable property. |
ImmediateUpdateAutoFilter | Gets or sets whether to filter data each time a value in the Auto Filter Row is changed or only when a cell in the Auto Filter Row loses focus. This is a bindable property. |
IsGrouped | Gets or sets whether grid data is grouped by the specified column. This is a bindable property. |
IsReadOnly | Gets or sets whether users are allowed to change cell values in the column. This is a bindable property. |
IsUnbound | Gets whether the column is unbound. |
IsVisible | Gets or sets whether the column is visible in the grid. This is a bindable property. |
MaxWidth | Gets or sets the column’s maximum width. This is a bindable property. |
MinWidth | Gets or sets the column’s minimum width. This is a bindable property. |
Padding | Gets or sets the distance between values and borders in the column’s cells. This is a bindable property. |
Row | Gets or sets the row in which the column’s cells are located. This is a bindable property. |
RowSpan | Allows you to stretch the column’s cells across multiple rows within the grid’s multi-row layout (AdvancedColumnLayout). |
ShowFilterIcon | Gets or sets whether to show the filter icon in the Auto Filter Row’s cell. This is a bindable property. |
SortIndex | Gets or sets the column’s position among sorted columns. This is a bindable property. |
SortMode | Gets or sets whether the grid should sort or group data by column values or display text. This is a bindable property. |
SortOrder | Gets or sets the column’s sort order. This is a bindable property. |
TotalSummaryTemplate | Gets or sets the template that defines the visual representation of the column’s total summary. This is a bindable property. |
UnboundExpression | Gets or sets an expression used to calculate values for the unbound column. This is a bindable property. |
UnboundType | Gets or sets whether the column is unbound, and the type of data the unbound column stores. This is a bindable property. |
VerticalContentAlignment | Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the column’s content. This is a bindable property. |
Width | Gets or sets the column’s width. This is a bindable property. |
Name | Description |
ApplyBindings() protected | Applies all the current bindings to BindingContext. Inherited from BindableObject. |
ClearValue(BindableProperty) | Clears any value that is previously set for a bindable property. Inherited from BindableObject. |
ClearValue(BindablePropertyKey) | Clears any value that is previously set for a bindable property, identified by its key. Inherited from BindableObject. |
CoerceValue(BindableProperty) |
Coerces the value of the specified bindable property. This is done by invoking BindableProperty.CoerceValueDelegate of the specified bindable property. Inherited from BindableObject. |
CoerceValue(BindablePropertyKey) |
Coerces the value of the specified bindable property. This is done by invoking BindableProperty.CoerceValueDelegate of the specified bindable property. Inherited from BindableObject. |
Equals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from System.Object. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from System.Object. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from System.Object. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from System.Object. |
GetValue(BindableProperty) | Returns the value that is contained in the given bindable property. Inherited from BindableObject. |
IsSet(BindableProperty) | Determines whether or not a bindable property exists and has a value set. Inherited from BindableObject. |
MemberwiseClone() protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from System.Object. |
OnBindingContextChanged() protected | Raises the BindingContextChanged event. Inherited from BindableObject. |
OnPropertyChanged(String) protected | Raises the PropertyChanged event. Inherited from BindableObject. |
OnPropertyChanging(String) protected | Raises the PropertyChanging event. Inherited from BindableObject. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from System.Object. |
RemoveBinding(BindableProperty) | Removes a previously set binding from a bindable property. Inherited from BindableObject. |
SetBinding(BindableProperty, BindingBase) | Assigns a binding to a bindable property. Inherited from BindableObject. |
SetInheritedBindingContext(BindableObject, Object) static | Sets the inherited context to a nested element. Inherited from BindableObject. |
SetValue(BindableProperty, Object) | Sets the value of the specified bindable property. Inherited from BindableObject. |
SetValue(BindablePropertyKey, Object) | Sets the value of the specified bindable property. Inherited from BindableObject. |
SetValueCore(BindableProperty, Object, SetValueFlags) | For internal use by the Microsoft.Maui.Controls platform. Inherited from BindableObject. |
ToString() | Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from System.Object. |
UnapplyBindings() protected | Removes all current bindings from the current context. Inherited from BindableObject. |
Name | Description |
BindingContextChanged | Occurs when the value of the BindingContext property changes. Inherited from BindableObject. |
PropertyChanged | Occurs when a property value changes. Inherited from BindableObject. |
PropertyChanging | Occurs when a property value is changing. Inherited from BindableObject. |
See Also