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DateColumn Properties

A grid column used to display and edit date values.
Name Description
ActualAppearance Gets the common appearance settings that are applied to the current GridColumn. Inherited from GridColumn.
ActualCaption Gets the column caption as it is displayed in a column header. Inherited from GridColumn.
AllowAutoFilter Gets or sets whether users can enter a value in the Auto Filter Row. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
AllowExport Gets or sets whether to display the column in the exported document. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
AllowSort Gets or sets whether end users can sort data by the column. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
AutoFilterCondition Gets or sets the filter condition (equals, contains, etc.) used to compare the value in the Auto-Filter Row with column values. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
AutoFilterValue Gets or sets the value of the cell in the Auto Filter Row. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
BackgroundColor Gets or sets the background color of the column’s cells. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.

Gets or sets an object that contains the properties that will be targeted by the bound properties that belong to this BindableObject. This is a bindable property.

Inherited from BindableObject.
Caption Gets or sets the caption displayed in the column header. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ClearIconVisibility Gets or sets when the clear icon is visible. This is a bindable property. Inherited from TextColumnBase.
Column Gets or sets the column of the grid’s multi-row layout (AdvancedColumnLayout) where cells are located. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ColumnSpan Gets or sets the number of the columns that the column should be spanned across. This property is in effect only when the grid displays the multi-row layout (AdvancedColumnLayout). This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.

Gets the dispatcher that was available when this bindable object was created, otherwise tries to find the nearest available dispatcher (probably the window’s/app’s).

Inherited from BindableObject.
DisplayFormat Gets or sets the pattern used to format cell values of the column. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
EditFormCaption Gets or sets the caption of the editor associated with the current column in the edit form. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
EnableImmediatePosting Gets or sets whether to post values to a data source immediately after changing the grid column’s cell value. This is a dependency property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ExportCellAppearance Gets or sets the appearance object applied to cells in an exported document. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ExportColumnHeaderAppearance Gets or sets the appearance object applied to the column header items in an exported document. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ExportMaxWidth Gets or sets the column’s maximum width in an exported document. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ExportMinWidth Gets or sets the column’s minimum width in an exported document. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ExportTotalSummaryAppearance Gets or sets the appearance object applied to total summary items when they are exported. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ExportWidth Gets or sets the column’s width in an exported document. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
FieldName Gets or sets the name of the data source’s field associated with the grid column, or serves as an identifier for unbound columns. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
FilterMode Gets or sets whether filters are applied to the actual cell values or to the text displayed in cells. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
FixedStyle Gets or sets whether a column is fixed. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
FontAttributes Gets or sets whether the font in the column’s cells is bold or italic. This is a bindable property. Inherited from TextColumnBase.
FontColor Gets or sets the color for the text in the column’s cells. This is a bindable property. Inherited from TextColumnBase.
FontFamily Gets or sets the font name for the text in column’s cells. This is a bindable property. Inherited from TextColumnBase.
FontSize Gets or sets the font size for the text in column’s cells. This is a bindable property. Inherited from TextColumnBase.
GroupCaptionDisplayFormat Gets or sets the pattern used to construct group row captions. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
GroupCaptionTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the visual representation of a group row caption. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
GroupInterval Gets or sets how data rows are combined into groups. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderBackgroundColor Gets or sets the background color of the grid column’s header. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderBorderColor Gets or sets the border color of the grid column’s header. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderBottomBorderColor Gets or sets the border color of the grid column header’s bottom border. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderCaptionLineBreakMode Gets or sets how to handle the caption text if it cannot fit on one line. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderContentTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the visual representation of the column header. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderFontAttributes Gets or sets the grid column header’s font attributes. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderFontColor Gets or sets the grid column header’s font color. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderFontFamily Gets or sets the grid column header’s font family. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderFontSize Gets or sets the grid column header’s font size. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderPadding Gets or sets the grid column header’s padding. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderTextDecorations Gets or sets the grid column header’s text decorations. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HorizontalContentAlignment Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the column’s content. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HorizontalHeaderAlignment Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the column’s header. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ImmediateUpdateAutoFilter Gets or sets whether to filter data each time a value in the Auto Filter Row is changed or only when a cell in the Auto Filter Row loses focus. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
IsDateIconVisible Gets or sets whether the date icon is visible in the focused cell. This is a bindable property.
IsGrouped Gets or sets whether grid data is grouped by the specified column. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
IsReadOnly Gets or sets whether users are allowed to change cell values in the column. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
IsUnbound Gets whether the column is unbound. Inherited from GridColumn.
IsVisible Gets or sets whether the column is visible in the grid. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
LineBreakMode Gets or sets how the grid handles text that cannot fit on one line within a cell. This is a bindable property. Inherited from TextColumnBase.
MaxDate Gets or sets the maximum date that users can assign to the editor. This is a bindable property.
MaxWidth Gets or sets the column’s maximum width. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
MinDate Gets or sets the minimum date that users can assign to the editor. This is a bindable property.
MinWidth Gets or sets the column’s minimum width. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
Padding Gets or sets the distance between values and borders in the column’s cells. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
PickerActiveViewType Gets or sets whether the calendar displays the day, month, or year view. This is a bindable property.
PickerButtonAreaTemplate Gets or sets the template applied to the picker’s button area of the DateColumn. This is a bindable property.
PickerDisplayDate Gets or sets a date that allows you to specify the month, year, or decade displayed in the current date picker view.
PickerFirstDayOfWeek Gets or sets the first day of the week in the default picker. This is a bindable property.
PickerShowTrailingDays Gets or sets whether days related to the previous and next months are displayed in the default picker. This is a bindable property.
PlaceholderText Gets or sets an input prompt displayed in a cell when it is focused but does not contain a value. This is a bindable property. Inherited from TextColumnBase.
Row Gets or sets the row in which the column’s cells are located. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
RowSpan Allows you to stretch the column’s cells across multiple rows within the grid’s multi-row layout (AdvancedColumnLayout). Inherited from GridColumn.
ShowFilterIcon Gets or sets whether to show the filter icon in the Auto Filter Row’s cell. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
SortIndex Gets or sets the column’s position among sorted columns. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
SortMode Gets or sets whether the grid should sort or group data by column values or display text. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
SortOrder Gets or sets the column’s sort order. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
TextDecorations Gets or sets whether text of the column’s cells underlined and/or crossed out. This is a bindable property. Inherited from TextColumnBase.
TotalSummaryTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the visual representation of the column’s total summary. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
UnboundExpression Gets or sets an expression used to calculate values for the unbound column. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
UnboundType Gets or sets whether the column is unbound, and the type of data the unbound column stores. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
UseNativePicker Gets or sets whether to use a platform-specific (native) or cross-platform (default) date picker. This is a bindable property.
VerticalContentAlignment Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the column’s content. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
Width Gets or sets the column’s width. This is a bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
See Also