AppointmentSnapToCellsMode Enum
Lists the modes of appointment fit in the time cell(s) by stretching it to the cell’s limits.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v24.2.Core.Desktop.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Scheduler.CoreDesktop
Name | Description |
Appointment is stretched to cell border only if the distance from the cell border to the edge of an appointment is less than half of the cell width. |
An appointment is always stretched to cell borders so that it occupies the entire cell or several cells. |
The appointment visible width is proportional to its duration. There is a minimal visible width (about 5 pixels). If an appointment’s duration is quite small, it will never be narrower than the minimal width. |
The appointment visible width is proportional to its duration. The minimal value of a dimension that represents the appointment duration is one pixel. The following picture illustrates the difference between the Disabled and Never modes for an appointment with a very small duration. The Disabled mode displays appointment as a line with a height of one pixel; however in Never mode, it looks like a small appointment with a height of several pixels, rather than a line. |
Related API Members
The following properties accept/return AppointmentSnapToCellsMode values: