LabelBrick Properties
A visual brick that contains a rotated text.Name | Description |
AccessibleDescription | Gets or sets the description of an element used by assistive technologies. Inherited from Brick. |
AccessibleObject | For internal use. Inherited from Brick. |
AccessibleRole | Inherited from Brick. |
AnchorName | Gets or sets an anchor name assigned to the Brick object. Inherited from Brick. |
Angle | Gets or sets the rotation angle of the text displayed within the brick. |
BackColor | Defines the background color for the current VisualBrick. Inherited from VisualBrick. |
BookmarkInfo | Gets an object containing information about the bookmark for this VisualBrick. Inherited from VisualBrick. |
BorderColor | Defines the border color for the current VisualBrick. Inherited from VisualBrick. |
BorderDashStyle | Specifies the dash style for the brick’s border. Inherited from VisualBrick. |
BorderStyle | Gets or sets the border style of a brick. Inherited from VisualBrick. |
BorderWidth | Specifies the border width of the current VisualBrick object. Inherited from VisualBrick. |
BrickOwner | Gets the owner of this brick. Inherited from VisualBrick. |
Bricks | Gets a collection of bricks which are contained in this Brick. Inherited from Brick. |
BrickType | Gets the text string, containing the brick type information. |
CanPublish | Specifies whether or not a brick is displayed in a printed or exported document. Inherited from BrickBase. |
CanShrinkAndGrow | Specifies whether or not a brick’s height can be automatically changed based on the amount of its contents. |
Font | Defines the font used to draw text within the current brick. Inherited from TextBrick. |
ForeColor | Gets or sets the color of the text displayed in the current brick. Inherited from TextBrickBase. |
HasCrossReference | For internal use. Intended to support exporting bricks to some formats. Inherited from Brick. |
Hint | Defines the text displayed as the current brick hint. Inherited from VisualBrick. |
HorzAlignment | Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the text. Inherited from TextBrick. |
ID | Identifies the current brick. Inherited from Brick. |
IsVerticalTextMode | Gets a value indicating whether text within a label brick is drawn vertically. |
IsVisible | Specifies the visibility of Brick. Inherited from Brick. |
Location | Defines the current brick’s location, in GraphicsUnit.Document measurement units. Inherited from BrickBase. |
Modifier | Specifies the page area for displaying a specific brick. Inherited from BrickBase. |
NavigationBrickIndices | Gets a string value, which is intended for serialization of the brick’s bookmark. Inherited from VisualBrick. |
NavigationPageIndex | Gets an index of a page, which contains a bookmark’s brick. Inherited from VisualBrick. |
NavigationPair | Provides access to the brick-page pair, associated with the current brick. Inherited from VisualBrick. |
NoClip | Specifies whether or not a brick’s bounds can be clipped. Inherited from BrickBase. |
Padding | Gets or sets the padding values of a brick. Inherited from VisualBrick. |
Parent | Obsolete. Gets or sets the parent document band for the current brick. Inherited from Brick. |
Printed | Obsolete. Specifies whether the current brick will be printed. Inherited from BrickBase. |
PrintingSystem | Gets or sets the Printing System used to create and print this brick. Inherited from VisualBrick. |
Rect | Defines the current brick’s location and size, in GraphicsUnit.Document measurement units. Inherited from Brick. |
RepeatForVerticallySplitContent | Specifies whether to repeat a brick for a content that is split across multiple pages vertically. Inherited from BrickBase. |
RightToLeftLayout | For internal use. Inherited from VisualBrick. |
Separable | Override this property to specify whether the current brick can be divided into multiple parts when a document is repaginated. Inherited from Brick. |
SeparableHorz | Determines whether the current brick can be divided into several parts horizontally. Inherited from VisualBrick. |
SeparableVert | Determines whether the current brick can be divided into several parts vertically. Inherited from VisualBrick. |
Sides | Defines the border settings for the current VisualBrick. Inherited from VisualBrick. |
Size | Defines the current brick’s size, in GraphicsUnit.Document measurement units. Inherited from BrickBase. |
StoredId | For internal use. Inherited from BrickBase. |
StringFormat | Gets or sets the formatting string applied to the brick’s text. Inherited from TextBrick. |
Style | Gets or sets the BrickStyle instance used to render a brick in an appropriate format. Inherited from VisualBrick. |
Tag | Gets or sets the object that contains additional data associated with the control. Inherited from Brick. |
Target | Gets or sets the target attribute assigned to this Brick and used when a Brick.Url property is specified. Inherited from Brick. |
Text | Gets or sets the text to be displayed within the current brick. Inherited from TextBrickBase. |
TextValue | Gets an object which represents the value that will be shown as the brick’s text. Inherited from TextBrick. |
TextValueFormatString | Gets or sets the format string which is applied to the TextBrick.TextValue. Inherited from TextBrick. |
Url | Specifies the link to an external resource. Inherited from Brick. |
UseTextAsDefaultHint | Specifies whether the brick hint’s content corresponds to the brick’s text. Inherited from VisualBrick. |
Value | Gets or sets an object, containing additional information on the current brick. Inherited from Brick. |
VertAlignment | Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the text. Inherited from TextBrick. |
XlsExportNativeFormat | For internal use. Specifies the format settings that are applied to a document when it is exported to XLS format. Inherited from TextBrick. |
XlsxFormatString | Gets or sets the format settings used when a document is exported to an Excel file (XLS or XLSX). Inherited from TextBrick. |
See Also