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BrickGraphics Members

Implements report drawing functions.


Name Description
BrickGraphics(PrintingSystemBase) Initializes a new instance of the BrickGraphics class with the specified printing system.


Name Description
BackColor Defines the background color for the current BrickGraphics object.
BorderColor Specifies the border color for the current BrickGraphics object.
BorderWidth Specifies the border width of the current BrickGraphics object.
ClientPageSize Returns the dimensions of a report page without margins.
DefaultBrickStyle Gets or sets the default BrickStyle.
DefaultFont Specifies the default font for a report.
DeviceIndependentPixel For internal use.
Font Specifies the font of the current BrickGraphics object.
ForeColor Defines the foreground color of the current BrickGraphics object.
Modifier Specifies the page area for displaying a specific brick.
PageBackColor Defines the background color for all report pages.
PageUnit Defines graphic measurement units.
PrintingSystem Gets the owner of the current BrickGraphics object.
StringFormat Gets or sets text layout information (such as alignment, orientation and tab stops) and display manipulations (such as ellipsis insertion and national digit substitution).

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Name Description
BeginCalculateRectangle() Obsolete. Starts to calculate the size of the rectangle required for all the bricks being added to the document.
BeginUnionRect() Must be called before the creation of a brick group.
DocumValueOf(Single) Converts a value specified via the parameter to GraphicsUnit.Document measurement units.
DrawBrick<T>(T, RectangleF)
DrawCheckBox(RectangleF, BorderSide, Color, Boolean) Adds a specific CheckBoxBrick to a report.
DrawCheckBox(RectangleF, Boolean) Adds a specific CheckBoxBrick to a report.
DrawEmptyBrick(RectangleF) Adds a specific EmptyBrick to a report.
DrawImage(DXImage, RectangleF, BorderSide, Color) Adds a specific ImageBrick brick to a report.
DrawImage(DXImage, RectangleF) Adds a specific ImageBrick brick to a report.
DrawLine(PointF, PointF, Color, Single) Adds a specific LineBrick object to a document.
DrawPageImage(DXImage, RectangleF, BorderSide, Color) Adds a specific PageImageBrick to a report.
DrawPageInfo(PageInfo, String, Color, RectangleF, BorderSide) Adds a specific PageInfoBrick to a report.
DrawRect(RectangleF, BorderSide, Color, Color) Adds a specific VisualBrick to a report.
DrawString(String, Color, RectangleF, BorderSide) Adds a specific TextBrick to a report.
DrawString(String, RectangleF) Adds a specific TextBrick to a report.
EndCalculateRectangle() Obsolete. Finishes calculating the size of the rectangle required for all the bricks being added to the document.
EndUnionRect() Indicates the completion of brick group creation.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MeasureString(String, DXFont, Int32, DXStringFormat, DXGraphicsUnit) static Measures the specified string when drawn.
MeasureString(String, DXFont, Int32, DXStringFormat) Measures the specified string when drawn.
MeasureString(String, DXFont) Calculates the length of a specified text.
MeasureString(String, Font, Int32, StringFormat, GraphicsUnit) static Measures the height and width of the specified text string.
MeasureString(String, Font, Int32, StringFormat) Calculates the length of a specified text.
MeasureString(String, Int32, DXStringFormat) Measures the specified string when drawn.
MeasureString(String, Int32, StringFormat) Measures the specified string when drawn with the specified maximum width and format. Works in Windows environment only.
MeasureString(String, Int32) Measures the specified string when drawn with the specified maximum width.
MeasureString(String) Measures the specified string when drawn.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
UnionCalculateRectangle(RectangleF) Obsolete. Adds a new rectangle item to the rectangle that was calculated after the BrickGraphics.BeginCalculateRectangle method was called.
UnitValueOf(Single) Converts the value specified via a parameter to the value that uses the current measurement units.
See Also