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BootstrapScheduler Events
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A control that represents scheduled data in a form of appointment objects on a web page.
Name Description
ActiveViewChanged Occurs after the active view of the Scheduler has been changed. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
ActiveViewChanging Occurs when the Scheduler control is about to change its active View. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
AfterExecuteCallbackCommand Occurs after a callback command is executed. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
AllowAppointmentConflicts Occurs when the scheduler finds appointments that are in conflict, and the SchedulerOptionsCustomization.AllowAppointmentConflicts property is set to AppointmentConflictsMode.Custom. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
AllowAppointmentCopy Occurs when the scheduler initialize an appointment and the SchedulerOptionsCustomization.AllowAppointmentCopy property is set to Custom. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
AllowAppointmentCreate Occurs when the scheduler initialize an appointment. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
AllowAppointmentDelete Occurs when the scheduler initialize an appointment. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
AllowAppointmentDrag Occurs when the scheduler initialize an appointment. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
AllowAppointmentDragBetweenResources Occurs when the scheduler initialize an appointment and the SchedulerControl.AllowAppointmentDragBetweenResources property is set to Custom. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
AllowAppointmentEdit Occurs when the scheduler initialize an appointment and the SchedulerOptionsCustomization.AllowAppointmentEdit property is set to Custom. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
AllowAppointmentResize Occurs when the scheduler initialize an appointment and the SchedulerOptionsCustomization.AllowAppointmentResize property is set to Custom. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
AllowInplaceEditor Occurs when the scheduler initialize an appointment. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
AppointmentChanging Fires when an appointment’s property is about to be changed. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
AppointmentCollectionAutoReloading Occurs when the data source which contains appointment records is modified and appointments are set to be automatically reloaded. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
AppointmentCollectionCleared Fires after the appointment collection has been cleared. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
AppointmentCollectionLoaded Fires after appointments have been loaded into the AppointmentBaseCollection collection. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
AppointmentDeleting Occurs before an appointment is deleted and allows you to cancel the action. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
AppointmentFormShowing Occurs before the appointment editing window is created. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
AppointmentInplaceEditorShowing Occurs before an inplace appointment editor is invoked. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
AppointmentInserting Occurs before an appointment is added to the AppointmentBaseCollection collection and allows you to cancel the operation. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
AppointmentRowDeleted Fires after an appointment’s data row is deleted from the data source. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
AppointmentRowDeleting Fires before an appointment data row is deleted from the data source. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
AppointmentRowInserted Fires after a new record containing appointment information is inserted into the data source. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
AppointmentRowInserting Fires before appointment data is posted to the data source for insertion. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
AppointmentRowUpdated Fires after an appointment’s data record is updated. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
AppointmentRowUpdating Fires before the appointment data is posted to the data source to update the record. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
AppointmentsChanged Fires when the appointments’ properties have been changed. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
AppointmentsDeleted Fires after you delete an appointment. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
AppointmentsInserted Fires after one or several appointments have been added to the collection. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
AppointmentViewInfoCustomizing Occurs every time an appointment is rendered, so its AppointmentViewInfoCustomizingEventArgs.ViewInfo is changed. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
BeforeExecuteCallbackCommand Fires before a callback command is executed. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
BeforeGetCallbackResult Occurs after a callback sent by the current control has been processed on the server, but prior to the time the respective callback result render is formed. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
CallbackError static Allows you to handle any server exception that might occur during server-side processing of a callback sent by a DevExpress web control. Inherited from ASPxWebControl.
ClientLayout Enables you to save and restore the previously saved layout of the scheduler. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
CustomCallback Fires when a round trip to the server has been initiated by a call to the client ASPxClientScheduler.PerformCallback method. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
CustomErrorText Enables you to provide custom error descriptions. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
CustomizeElementStyle Fires before a scheduler’s visual element is rendered. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
CustomJSProperties Enables you to supply any server data that can then be parsed on the client. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
DataBinding Occurs when the server control binds to a data source. Inherited from Control.
DataBound Occurs after the server control binds to the data source. Inherited from ASPxDataWebControlBase.
DateNavigatorQueryActiveViewType Enables you to specify a view type to which the Scheduler switches after the end-user changes selected dates in the DateNavigator control. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
Disposed Occurs when a server control is released from memory, which is the last stage of the server control lifecycle when an ASP.NET page is requested. Inherited from Control.
FetchAppointments Occurs before the scheduler starts retrieving the appointments for the specified time interval. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
FilterAppointment Enables specific appointments to be hidden in the scheduler. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
FilterReminderAlert Enables you to fire alerts only for specific reminders. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
FilterResource Hides specific resources in the scheduler. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
GotoDateFormShowing Occurs before the Go To Date dialog window is invoked. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
HtmlTimeCellPrepared Occurs when the HTML code representing the time cell is prepared for display. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
Init Occurs when the server control is initialized, which is the first step in its lifecycle. Inherited from Control.
InitAppointmentDisplayText Allows you to specify custom appointment text and a description. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
InitAppointmentImages Enables you to display custom images within appointments. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
InitClientAppointment This event fires for each visible appointment before it is sent to the client for display and enables you to specify client appointment properties. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
InitNewAppointment Occurs before a new appointment is created in the scheduler. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
Load Occurs when the server control is loaded into the Page object. Inherited from Control.
MoreButtonClicked Server-side event. Occurs when the user clicks one of the More Buttons.ASPxScheduler. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
PopupMenuShowing Occurs before a popup menu is created and allows menu customization.
PrepareAppointmentFormPopupContainer Occurs when the pop-up container for the Appointment Form is prepared for display. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
PrepareAppointmentInplaceEditorPopupContainer Occurs when the pop-up container for the In-place Editor is prepared for display. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
PrepareGotoDateFormPopupContainer Occurs when the pop-up container for the Go to Date Form is prepared for display. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
PreparePopupMenu Obsolete. Occurs before a context menu is created for a scheduler. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
PrepareRecurrenceAppointmentDeleteFormPopupContainer Occurs when the pop-up container for the Delete Recurrence Form is prepared for display. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
PrepareRecurrenceAppointmentEditFormPopupContainer Occurs when the pop-up container for the Edit Recurrence Form is prepared for display. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
PrepareRemindersFormPopupContainer Occurs when the pop-up container for the Reminders Form is prepared for display. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
PreRender Occurs after the Control object is loaded but prior to rendering. Inherited from Control.
QueryWorkTime Occurs when the scheduler’s view calculates the work time interval for the specific resource. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
RecurrentAppointmentDeleteFormShowing Occurs before the Confirm Delete dialog window is invoked. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
RecurrentAppointmentEditFormShowing Occurs before the Open Recurring Item dialog window is invoked. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
ReminderAlert Occurs when a reminder is invoked. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
RemindersFormDefaultAction Occurs when an end-user closes the Reminders Form without clicking the Dismiss or Snooze button. The SchedulerOptionsBehaviorBase.RemindersFormDefaultAction property should be set to RemindersFormDefaultAction.Custom. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
RemindersFormShowing Occurs before the Reminders form is displayed. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
ResourceChanging Fires when a resource’s property is about to be changed. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
ResourceCollectionAutoReloading Occurs when the data source which contains resources is modified, and the automatic reloading of resources is enabled. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
ResourceCollectionCleared Fires after the resources collection has been cleared. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
ResourceCollectionLoaded Fires after resources have been loaded into the ResourceBaseCollection collection. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
ResourceDeleting Allows the deletion of a resource to be cancelled. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
ResourceInserting Allows you to cancel the addition of a resource. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
ResourcesChanged Fires when the resources’ properties are changed. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
ResourcesDeleted Occurs when a scheduler’s resource is deleted from the collection. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
ResourcesInserted Occurs when new resources are inserted into the ResourceBaseCollection collection. Inherited from ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.
UnhandledException Enables you to catch an unhandled exception in ASPxScheduler which occurs during a callback and stop its propagation beyond the control. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
Unload Occurs when the server control is unloaded from memory. Inherited from Control.
VisibleIntervalChanged Fires when the time interval represented by the control’s scheduling area has been changed. Inherited from ASPxScheduler.
See Also