- 2 minutes to read
The DevExpress ASP.NET Bootstrap Charts suite is a set of server-side wrappers for DevExtreme chart widgets allowing you to use ASP.NET approaches to integrating DevExtreme Charts into your web application.
The Bootstrap
Server-side wrappers allow you to create charts, configure them and bind them to data using Visual Studio design time tools, without writing a single line of code. The included Bootstrap Chart Designer provides a comprehensive UI for building charts of any complexity and configuring their visual elements in one place. | |
The DevExpress Bootstrap Charts Suite ships with three controls allowing you to create charts of three major families. The following controls are included: | |
The suite offers over 20 types of chart series allowing you to solve a broad range of data visualization tasks. The suite provides the following series types and their variations: | |
The suite provides multiple ways to supply data to a chart control. The following approaches for binding a chart control to data are fully supported:
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Extensive Customization Capabilities | |
Chart controls provide client-side API allowing you to customize various aspects of data visualization including the appearance of separate series elements, axes, labels, and tooltips. |