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BootstrapFloatingActionButton Class

A server-side Floating Action Button control.

Namespace: DevExpress.Web.Bootstrap

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.Bootstrap.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web.Bootstrap


[ToolboxTabName("DX.24.2: Bootstrap Controls")]
public class BootstrapFloatingActionButton :


The Bootstrap Floating Action Button control is a button that appears in front of a container (HTML element or control) when users interact with the container’s elements.

The BootstrapFloatingActionButton stores its items in the Items collection. The are two available Floating Action Button’s item types:

  • Action that executes the specified action once users click the button.


    To create an Action, use a BootstrapFABAction object as shown in the following example.

    <dx:BootstrapFloatingActionButton runat="server" ContainerCssSelector="#default-fab">
            <dx:BootstrapFABAction ActionName="a1" ContextName="context1" Text="Create Item"/>
  • Action Group that serves as a container for multiple actions (action items).


    To create an Action Group, use a BootstrapFABActionGroup object as shown in the following example.

    <dx:BootstrapFloatingActionButton ID="FABActionGroup" runat="server" ContainerCssSelector="#action-group">
        <ClientSideEvents Init="onActionGroupInit" />
            <dx:BootstrapFABActionGroup ContextName="c1">
                    <dx:BootstrapFABActionItem ActionName="comment" Text="Comment" IconCssClass="far fa-comment"></dx:BootstrapFABActionItem>
                    <dx:BootstrapFABActionItem ActionName="like" Text="Like" IconCssClass="far fa-thumbs-up"></dx:BootstrapFABActionItem>
        <ClientSideEvents ActionItemClick="onFloatingActionButtonActionItemClick"  />

#Main Features

The Bootstrap Floating Action Button provides you with the following features:

#Specify a Container Control

You can associate the Floating Action Button with any HTML element or web control on a page. For this purpose use the ContainerCssSelector property. The button will be displayed over the specified container.

<dx:BootstrapFloatingActionButton runat="server" ContainerCssSelector="#default-fab" InitialActionContext="c1">
        <dx:BootstrapFABAction ActionName="a1" ContextName="c1"></dx:BootstrapFABAction>



The table below lists properties and corresponding enumerations used for a Floating Action Button position’s specification.










#Customizable Appearance

The Floating Action Button provides users with the following appearance-related features:

#Bootstrap-Specific Render


The RenderOption property specifies Bootstrap-specific styles that can be applied to the Floating Action Button. The available styles are defined by the BootstrapFloatingActionButtonRenderOption enumeration.

<dx:BootstrapFloatingActionButton ClientInstanceName="fab" runat="server" ContainerCssSelector="#render-option" InitialActionContext="cSuccess">
        <dx:BootstrapFABAction ActionName="action" ContextName="cDanger">
            <SettingsBootstrap RenderOption="Danger" />
        <dx:BootstrapFABAction ActionName="action" ContextName="cDark">
            <SettingsBootstrap RenderOption="Dark" />
        <%-- ... --%>


Use the following API to specify an image for a Floating Action Button and nested action items:

<dx:BootstrapFloatingActionButton ID="FABActionGroup" runat="server" ContainerCssSelector="#action-group">
        <dx:BootstrapFABActionGroup ContextName="c1" ExpandIconCssClass="far fa-comments">
                <dx:BootstrapFABActionItem ActionName="comment" Text="Comment" IconCssClass="far fa-comment"></dx:BootstrapFABActionItem>
                <dx:BootstrapFABActionItem ActionName="like" Text="Like" IconCssClass="far fa-thumbs-up"></dx:BootstrapFABActionItem>

Button Text

The Text property specifies the button’s text. Additionally, you can set up the text visibility by the TextVisibilityMode property. The following modes are available:

  • Hidden – The button text is always hidden.
  • OnHover – The button text is only displayed when users hover the mouse pointer over the Floating Action Button.
  • Always – The button text is always visible.
<dx:BootstrapFloatingActionButton runat="server" ContainerCssSelector="#on-hover-mode" TextVisibilityMode="OnHover">
        <dx:BootstrapFABAction ActionName="a1" ContextName="c1" Text="Create Item"></dx:BootstrapFABAction>


The text specified for Action Items located within Action Groups is displayed on the left of the corresponding items.



The Floating Action Button control can display supplementary information action items and/or action buttons within a badge. A badge can display text and/or icon. To access the badge’s contents on the server, use the Badge property.

You can use the methods listed below to manage badges on the client:

<dx:BootstrapFloatingActionButton runat="server" ContainerCssSelector="#fab-badge">
        <dx:BootstrapFABActionGroup ContextName="messages" Text="Messages">
            <Badge Text="19" CssClass="badge-light" />
                <dx:BootstrapFABActionItem ActionName="telegram" Text="Telegram" IconCssClass="fab fa-telegram">
                    <Badge Text="14" CssClass="badge-danger" />
                <dx:BootstrapFABActionItem ActionName="skype" Text="Skype" IconCssClass="fab fa-skype">
                    <Badge Text="5" CssClass="badge-danger" />
                <dx:BootstrapFABActionItem ActionName="facebook" Text="Facebook" IconCssClass="fab fa-facebook">

On the client side, use the BootstrapClientFloatingActionButton class to interact with the control as specified below:

See Also