BootstrapPolarChartSeriesCollection Class
A collection of the Polar Chart control’s series.
Namespace: DevExpress.Web.Bootstrap
Assembly: DevExpress.Web.Bootstrap.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web.Bootstrap
public class BootstrapPolarChartSeriesCollection :
Related API Members
The following members return BootstrapPolarChartSeriesCollection objects:
A series represents a grouping of related data points. The most important characteristic of a series is its type, which determines a particular visual representation of data. You can find more details on each series type in the Series Types help topic.
To define a single series, add an instance of the BootstrapPolarChartSeries class to the BootstrapPolarChartSeriesCollection array. In the series’ object, specify the series type, data source fields, the appearance of the series points and other options.
If you need to set similar values to properties of several series, use the BootstrapPolarChartCommonSeries class. It exposes the properties that can be specified for all series at once and for all series of a particular type at once. Note that the values specified for a series individually (in the SeriesCollection array) override the values that are specified for all series (in the BootstrapPolarChartCommonSeries class).