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BootstrapCardViewColumnDisplayTextEventArgs Class

Provides data for the BootstrapCardView.CustomColumnDisplayText event.

Namespace: DevExpress.Web.Bootstrap

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.Bootstrap.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web.Bootstrap


public class BootstrapCardViewColumnDisplayTextEventArgs :


The BootstrapCardView.CustomColumnDisplayText event can be used to provide custom display text for specific cells in a Card View.

The cell currently being processed is referred to by the column and card. The column is specified by the BootstrapCardViewColumnDisplayTextEventArgs.Column property. The card can be identified by the ASPxGridColumnDisplayTextEventArgs.VisibleIndex property. The cell’s display text is specified by the ASPxGridColumnDisplayTextEventArgs.DisplayText property.

See Also