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BootstrapGridViewComboBoxColumn Class

Represents a data column with the combo box editor.

Namespace: DevExpress.Web.Bootstrap

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.Bootstrap.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web.Bootstrap


public class BootstrapGridViewComboBoxColumn :


BootstrapGridViewComboBoxColumn objects represent data columns whose values are edited using the combo box editor.

The column editor’s settings can be accessed and customized using the BootstrapGridViewComboBoxColumn.PropertiesComboBox property. Use the AutoCompleteBoxPropertiesBase.DataSourceID property, to bind the column’s combo box editor.

Use the AutoCompleteBoxPropertiesBase.ValueField property to specify the data source field that provides values for the combo box items. You should also specify the required data type via the ComboBoxProperties.ValueType property.

The AutoCompleteBoxPropertiesBase.TextField property specifies the data source field that provides display text for the combo box items.

To learn more, see Data Columns.

See Also