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ASPxClientVerticalGridBatchEditApi.SetCellValue(visibleIndex, rowFieldNameOrId, value) Method

Sets the value of the specified cell.


    visibleIndex: number,
    rowFieldNameOrId: string,
    value: any,
    displayText?: string,
    cancelCellHighlighting?: boolean
): void


Name Type Description
visibleIndex number

The visible index of the row that contains the processed cell.

rowFieldNameOrId string

A string value that specifies the field name or unique identifier (the column’s WebColumnBase.Name property value) of a column containing the processed cell.

value any

An object that contains the new cell value.

displayText string

A string value that specifies the cell display text.

cancelCellHighlighting boolean

true to cancel highlighting of the modified cell, false to highlight the modified cell.


Use the SetCellValue property to change the value of the specified cell when the latter is not in edit mode.


The SetCellValue method is not in effect in the following situations:

See Also