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ASPxClientVerticalGridBatchEditApi.GetCellValue(visibleIndex, rowFieldNameOrId) Method

Gets the value of the specified cell.


    visibleIndex: number,
    rowFieldNameOrId: string,
    initial?: boolean
): any


Name Type Description
visibleIndex number

The visible index of the record that contains the processed cell.

rowFieldNameOrId string

A string value that specifies the field name or unique identifier (the row’s WebColumnBase.Name property value) of a row containing the processed cell.

initial boolean

true, to return the initial (server) value; false, to return a value currently contained on the client side (modified value).


Type Description

An object containing the specified cell’s value.


The code sample below demonstrates how to use the GetCellValue method.

var x = MyVerticalGridClientName.batchEditApi.GetCellValue(0, "ProductName");


The GetCellValue method does not return a value if the column’s GridColumnEditFormSettings.Visible property is set to false.

See Also