ASPxClientVerticalGrid.BatchEditEndEditing Event
Occurs when a grid leaves the batch edit mode.
BatchEditEndEditing: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientVerticalGridBatchEditEndEditingEventHandler<ASPxClientVerticalGrid>>
Event Data
The BatchEditEndEditing event's data class is ASPxClientVerticalGridBatchEditEndEditingEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:
Property | Description |
cancel | Specifies whether to cancel the related action (for example, row edit, export). Inherited from ASPxClientCancelEventArgs. |
focusedRow | Gets the row to which the edited cell belongs. |
recordValues | Gets a hashtable that maintains information about editable cells. |
visibleIndex | Gets the visible index of the record whose cells have been edited. |
The BatchEditEndEditing event is raised when the grid leaves the edit mode (for a cell/record) due to an end-user interaction or programmatic call to the ASPxClientVerticalGridBatchEditApi.EndEdit method. The event provides arguments that allow you to leave a particular cell in the edit mode.
An argument object provided by the events contains the ASPxClientVerticalGridBatchEditEndEditingEventArgs.recordValues structure. This is a hashtable that maintains information about editable cells in the following manner:
recordValues = {
"0": {
value: "someValue",
text: "someDisplayText"
//Here, "0" is an example of the row index specifying the corresponding record cell
You can manipulate entries of this hashtable to initialize/modify editor values or prevent displaying editors for particular cells by removing the corresponding entries from ASPxClientVerticalGridBatchEditEndEditingEventArgs.recordValues.