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ASPxClientPopupControlBase.ShowAtElement(htmlElement) Method

Invokes the control’s window and displays it over the specified HTML element.


    htmlElement: any
): void


Name Type Description
htmlElement any

An object specifying the HTML element relative to whose position the window is invoked.


Use the ShowAtElement method on the client side, to display the control’s window at a position which relates to an HTML element specified by the htmlElement parameter.


For ASPxPopupControl only:

This method can be used, for example, when it’s necessary to display the window in response to a specific user action not listed by the ASPxPopupControl.PopupAction property or over a specific HTML element that differs from the element specified by the ASPxPopupControl.PopupElementID property.

A call to the ShowAtElement method displays the default popup window at a position specified by the ASPxPopupControl.PopupHorizontalAlign, ASPxPopupControl.PopupHorizontalOffset, ASPxPopupControl.PopupVerticalAlign and ASPxPopupControl.PopupVerticalOffset properties relative to the specified HTML element.

See Also