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ASPxClientHintOptions Members

The hint control’s options.


Name Description
constructor Initializes a new instance of the ASPxClientHintOptions class with default settings.


Name Description
allowFlip Gets or sets a value that specifies whether to flip the hint to the opposite position relative to the target element.
allowShift Gets or sets a value that specifies whether to shift a hint if its content and title are hidden outside of the client area.
animation Gets or sets whether it should use animation effects when a hint appears.
appearAfter Gets or sets the delay in displaying the hint.
className Gets or sets a custom CSS class name that will be assigned to the root ASPxHint element.
container Gets or sets a value that is the HTML DOM-element.
content Gets or sets the hint’s content.
contentAttribute Gets or sets the attribute name.
disappearAfter Gets or sets the duration after which a hint disappears when the mouse pointer is no longer positioned over the target element.
height Gets or sets a value that is the hint’s height.
hideNativeTooltipForNestedTitleAttributes Specifies whether to hide native tooltips for an item and its nested items.
offset Gets the offset of a hint.
position Gets or sets where a hint should be positioned.
showCallout Gets or sets a value that specifies whether a hint is displayed in a callout box.
showTitle Gets or sets a value that specifies whether a hint’s title is displayed.
title Gets or sets a value that is the hint’s title.
titleAttribute Gets or sets the attribute name.
triggerAction Gets or sets which user action triggers a hint.
width Gets or sets a value that is the hint’s width.
x Gets or sets the X coordinate.
y Gets or sets the Y coordinate.


Name Description
onHiding A handler for the ASPxClientHint.Hiding event.
onShowing A handler for the ASPxClientHint.Showing event.
See Also