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ASPxClientHintOptions.showCallout Property

Gets or sets a value that specifies whether a hint is displayed in a callout box.


showCallout: boolean

#Property Value

Type Description

true, to display a hint in a callout box; otherwise, false.


By default, if a hint is connected to the target UI element on a web page, the hint is displayed without a callout box. The callout element also is not used if the CSS selector for the target element is not specified or the hint is shown in precise X/Y coordinates on the screen. To control the hint’s callout box visibility, use the showCallout property.

ASPxClientHint.Register('.class_name', {
  content: 'sample content', 
  position: 'top',
  showCallout: false,
  offset: 10,
  animation: false,
  triggerAction: 'hover'
See Also