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ASPxClientHintOptions.position Property

Gets or sets where a hint should be positioned.


position: string

#Property Value

Type Description

A string value that specifies a hint position.


The hint can be displayed on any side (left, right, top, bottom) of the target element. Use the position property to specify the hint’s position.

ASPxClientHint.Register('.class_name', {
  content: 'sample content', 
  position: 'top',
  showCallout: 'false',
  offset: 10,
  animation: 'false',
  triggerAction: 'hover'

To display a hint at a precise position on the browser window without targeting any UI element on a web page, use the ASPxClientHintOptions.x and ASPxClientHintOptions.y properties. In this case, the position property specifies the hint position relative to the defined x/y coordinates.

See Also