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RowProperties.UnboundType Property

Specifies whether this row is unbound, and if so, the type of data it stores.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraVerticalGrid.Rows

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraVerticalGrid.v24.1.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Win.Navigation, DevExpress.Win.VerticalGrid


public virtual UnboundColumnType UnboundType { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
UnboundColumnType Bound

A UnboundColumnType enumeration value that specifies the row’s data type and binding mode.

Available values:

Name Description

Indicates that the column is bound to a field in the control’s underlying data source. The type of data this column contains is determined by the bound field.


Indicates that the column is unbound and it contains integer values (the Int32 type).


Indicates that the column is unbound and it contains decimal values (the Decimal type).


Indicates that the column is unbound and it contains date/time values (the DateTime type).


Indicates that the column is unbound and it contains string values (the String type).


Indicates that the column is unbound and it contains Boolean values (the Boolean type).


Indicates that the column is unbound and it contains values of any type. A TextEdit editor is assigned for the in-place editing of such a column.


In v21.1 and higher, the UnboundType property is hidden. Use the RowProperties.UnboundDataType property instead to make a row unbound and specify the row’s data type. Compared to the UnboundType property, the RowProperties.UnboundDataType property can accept any data type (including previously unavailable TimeSpan and DateTimeOffset).

See Also